Hail to the King…
Through jaded portals and smoky haze
Like ribbons of midnight neath the silver moon
In a room of masks replete in noble fashion
Walk plain boots o’er polished marbled
"Oh heretic swathed of black" whispered looks, hushed
Of not guile does the Iiato rest sheathed, un-trembled
Cradled in cloaks of dark velvet cowls this Fenrir’s vengeance
Discontent all around lust aching though expensive threads
Kingly stature proudly demonstrated atop a brow
Civility afforded trespass: Murder, rape, genocide
Painted gollums regurgitate praise; vultures perfumed in decay
Hallow death passes smiling pretentiously behind taunt flesh
O’er nearly thee come:Thine shadow reaches to embrace
Lightning hisses; blood lustily fornicates with the phantom
A crescendo of screams and chaos; Delicious consort
Plain boots retreat and a heretic gently whispers "Hail to the king…"
I like the intensity in this!
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Skikkles is right…very intense….as as far a Gerty she does have her moments…..but I still perceive her as a likable soul….definitely the protagonists…
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RYN: It is funny that love can’t really be defined, yet we have the masses trying to do so all the time. I still often wonder what it’s like between people though. I sometimes get upset when I realize “hey, I haven’t experienced that yet!” buuuuut who knows right? XD ~~~>
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Lol…thnt’s all right I did the same hing today with a friend I was noting. Yeah the last poem is just window dressing. Nothing to do with any belief system I have…more about apathy than any religious belief …
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You are such a tard Mattias…you crack me up….and I guess it depends if you like bull whips and spurs…
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It has been years now. Years.
Welcome back, Friend.
@te yes I didn’t realize that this had come back. I am thrilled to have all my original works back!
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