Search Entries

Dear DM,

If the year on my “search entries” only goes back as far as 2001, does this that 2001 was when I first began my diary? Because if so, I’m missing… stuff.

Also — apologies for the friend request thingy. I mean…. I’d LOVE to be your friend and all, yanno?

And thanks for the sweet note on my first entry since…. a long time ago.

I think I’m just looking for my beginning…



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February 18, 2018

That means that 2001 is the earliest that was imported into the new site – but if you know there were entries that are older than that, please send a message to Support through the link at the bottom of the page and tell them, they can investigate.

February 18, 2018

I need to start strolling backward; haven’t gotten to that yet. I believe I started on here in 2001. Hmm. Thanks for your note. And no, it’s not stupid to state that you don’t like being sick precisely because who does?

February 19, 2018

I have went backwards and looked into some of my previous entries. Some I am going to make private because there is no need for anyone to read them. I am not that person anymore nor have I been for a while.

New beginnings are a good thing. Its like a chapter in a book.