Moaning and Groaning — Noticing Things

The front page of Open Diary gives us all a brief glimpse into another diarist’s thoughts; the snippets provided allows us, the reader, as to whether or not we want to delve further into their post. Quite honestly, it will always be the first paragraph that will do it for me. While I understand that a diary is to rid ourselves of pent up emotions; or to share good and/or bad news; or to simply say, “Hey, just touching base, nothing more.”, I have …. an issue? a problem? Let’s not label that.

At least, not yet.

Upon returning to OD I had expected to see have available to me, all the options of Open Diary+ — you could change the color or the layout of your diary, which was nice Sometimes however, the colors other diarists chose were… blindingly in-affective, prompting me to move onto the next “ramdom” diary.

I’m getting away from what I truly want to say. Such a bad habit, that.


This new OD allows you, the diarist, thirty (30) days to make a decision as to whether or not you want to stay and keep your diary via paid subscription, or let your diary lapse. From what I’ve seen, most people aren’t giving it a chance. Personally, I have until the 20th of March, 2018. I have a few pay periods before that deadline, but I believe I have already made my decision.

Instead of saying “this isn’t working out”; or “I’m not going to get a subscription” as soon as you gain access to a former diary or had to create a new one, why not give yourself and your diary a chance? What harm could thirty (30) days, do?


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February 19, 2018

I agree. I’m doing everything I can to learn how to use the new open diary in my time I have and will make my decision at the end of my trial period. Till then I’ll make the most of it!!!

February 19, 2018

I agree — and why take that 30 days to complain about how you don’t like it? I’ve been seeing a lot of that. If you don’t like it, and you know you won’t like it, why keep talking about it?

February 19, 2018

Change is often difficult to accept. No matter how small or large. And, if I were a betting person (which I’m not), I would bet that the real reason those we see aren’t going to revive their old diary or subscribe to a new one, is because of the sudden disappearance of Open Diary to begin with.

You know that saying — Revenge is a dish best served cold — but to what purpose? Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face, my mom would tell me. And she’d be right. Same situation we have here.

Again, what harm will thirty (30) days do?

February 21, 2018

You are of course correct. It is the first few lines that matter. I, like you, like most people I suppose scan to see if the post is going to connect or if it is going to be a drag, a slog or somehow disagreeable. I go for the positive, interesting and/or intelligent.