the close or last part; the end or finish.
the result or outcome of an act or process.
a judgment or decision reached after deliberation.
a final arrangement or settlement, as of a treaty.
the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises in a syllogism.
the proposition concluded from one or more premises; a deduction
We’ve all done that before. Jumped to a conclusion before the end or finish. Yet still processed what we heard or perhaps saw, which, of course, is what we
to become aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing.
to achieve understanding of; apprehend.
And even then, perhaps what we perceived to have seen or heard which brought us to a conclusion could have been an illusion, something we thought was there in an action or words spoken but not. And that falls into our
the process, act, or faculty of perceiving.
recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory.
the neurological processes by which such recognition and interpretation are effected.
insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving.
the capacity for such insight.
The ability to process such information perceived and concluded isn’t always what it appears to be, is it. Like magic tricks performed, David Copperfield comes to mind and the illusions He is famous, or infamous, in performing before a live audience and on television.
So when we jump to a conclusion in perceiving something heard or seen in our perception, does that label us as being judgmental? Did we commit a wrong against another by doing so without further inquiring into what was really seen or spoken?
I’m not sure I like the idea that when a conclusion is drawn based upon a perception in how another perceives it, that I am judging. Especially when the intentions were of innocence or maybe done or spoken without thinking clearly.
We all have our days, and lately I’ve been riding the emotional roller-coaster. For no reason I’d burst into tears and I’d shake. I wonder though if perhaps recent events didn’t catch up with me and I was finally able to cleanse and move forward with my healing.
Whatever it was, it was definitely something. Which leads me to this entry. I said, then did something that hurt another, even though I didn’t set out to intentionally hurt.
A conclusion was drawn in what was perceived of my words then actions, and in their perception of such, and then too, not wanting or perhaps not waiting to listen or hear an explanation or apology, both of us ended up being hurt.
I realize that we can’t always take the time necessary and perhaps needed to dissect and pick a-part words and actions done and said to us by others. But when you know people and are close to them, I would think that it would be obvious that we don’t set out to intentionally hurt those we love and are close to. I am still hurting by what happened.
But I wonder now, what conclusions are drawn as you perceive the words written past, present and future within this haven I call home? They are yours first and foremost. I merely express my own feelings and opinions. And yes, perceptions too pertaining to what I conclude and perceive myself.
Still, it is interesting to see how we draw conclusions of certain situations in our perceptions. Real or imagined, isn’t it?
I am sorry you’ve had a painful experience. It is horrible when someone doesn’t take the time to work out what you’ve said/done and reach a mutual conclusion, which might help both parties. The outcome here was different, and I’m sad that it has come out this way. History with someone needs to be taken into consideration, but sometimes people are unable to do that. Carry on, please.
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Did this friend forgive you? I believe life is all imaginary–all in the head. Once you learn the secrets of life, then you can create it.
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