I’m supposed to be hanging up christmas cards now.

Wel, actually, no, that’s a lie. I’m supposed to be learning my german oral and doing some textiles so that I can hand it in tomorrow. But, safe to say, I could give a damn about those.

Could, instead of couldn’t. Interesting variation on a theme. Yet it means the same thing. I could give a damn, but I don’t. Yais? You understand now? Good. Maybe I’ll start saying that instead of couldn’t.

Most likely I probably do anyway, as it’s what they say on West Wing.

…Shut up, Bex.

Anyway. Mum let me stay home from church today, because, well, I don’t know. She said that it was because she was being nice today, and she thought I was tired, and she’d let me stay home if I said I’d revise my German. We both knew that even though I said it, it was never going to happen.

I don’t know the real reason she let me stay off, either. Maybe she felt sorry for me, as everyone else has FINISHED their mocks now and I have not.

I went to town yesterday. Me and Chrissie met up in Costa and went and did a lickle bit of shopping. Bought Hanita her secret-santa prezzie. (So much for “secret”. I know who’s buying my present. Everybody knows who’s buying their presents. Which kinda defies the object of a secret santa. But, there you go. If you’re curious, Mik’s buying me my present. I’m a little worried.) I was going to get her a Tigger necklace, but I’d spent most of my money already on a backing CD I need for the talent show, and didnt have enough to buy the only one I could find. So I got her, er, something else. I won’t say what, she knows about my diary :P.

Eh, yeah. Chrissie gave me an Xmas pressie. She’s made me a realy cuWel CD with a lot of my favourite songs on it, as she knows my CDs are all bust up. Yay for Chrissie! I have about 60 squillion presents sitting in my room for her that I keep honestly forget to bring wth me everytime I see her. I’m going to send them all to her via post. Birthdays and christmasses all arriving at the door at once. Hee. S’pose it beats me forgetting them over and over again….

Anyway, like I said, I’ve just been hanging the christmas cards the family have received on the doors of the house. My family (in true Feeney tradition) have not sent them yet. I asked Mum when we were going to send them. She said we were actually putting them in the post tonight. Hmm. I don’t believe that for a minute, but I’m not going to argue. What’s happening is, I’ve designed a christmas card, they get printed off, my dad signs them all “from Damian, Fiona and co.” and then he sticks in a sort of Family Newsletter thing. I’ll explain to you what they are. My dad, having the job he has, knows many people around the country, many of whom are our close friends that live far, far away in the south of England and beyond. Ergo, we do’t see them a lot. So, as is traditional among people with many friends in far away places, we stick in a sort of update sheet about what we’ve been doing. It will say things along th lines of “Hello, friends, Romans and Countrymen, we’re all fine, newly settled into Woodplumpton. Damian is still Damian. Fiona is still Fiona. Rebecca is still Rebecca. Patrick is still Patrick. And Eleanor is still a juvenile delinquent. Hope youre having a good Christmas. The Feeney Family.” I’ll put a copy of it up here for all to read. When I can find it.

We’ve received a lot of those ourselves. I’ve been able to learn lots about families I’ve never heard of before in my life. Oh yeah, I learned that my dad’s cousin is a flm director. Good, eh?

Er, yes. So, that is that. I will not be in school tomorrow, so do not look for me unless you wish to go to Broughton Parish Church. For I will be there, practising the songs I am to sing in the spirit of Christmas, and generally being bored out of my tiny mind.


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gud enter bex! i have a ladder in my tites btw bex! xxxxx id be scared 2 if mik was gting mine! xxx x

December 21, 2004

RYN: Glad to hear the illness wasn’t as bad as all that, after all. And don’t blame me for the cheesecake craving. It was there, all along, waiting to emerge. *grin* Christmas cards… I honestly never bother with them. For some reason, such things don’t mean much to me. I know they do mean a bit to other people, but even with that I can’t be bothered to send them.