What’s the Story Morning Glory?

Back in the day, (the 1990’s) I had an Oasis band shirt and a CD. I love(d) them. I was a total band geek. Actually, I still am. It’s pathetic lol…. 

Long story short? I took Richard back bc Colleen my sister was very against me dating Justin bc he is known for being a bit of a drifter and is prone to getting crunk and all that jazz. BAD NEWS in other news. Richard, despite his shortcomings is a sweet angel compared to Justin.

Love is weird. LOL



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July 13, 2018

I LOVE Oasis. And London Suede.

@lakeland Do you think that Oasis did something with Wonderwall like George Harrison or whomever was chatting about? 🙂

July 13, 2018

@weebee No sure what you mean.  I love the Beatles too and recently took that test – identify the Beatle song by just one line. I scored 100% 🙂

@lakeland Woo! Go you! LOLOLOL https://mic.com/articles/116786/the-story-behind-oasis-wonderwall-will-make-you-like-it-even-more#.ZbS6HLsNa

@lakeland Who’s your favorite Beatle? Mine is Paul. <3 <3 <3

July 13, 2018

@weebee I’ve loved them all. As a child, it was definitely Paul. I loved John the most in the late 70’s right before he died. I have always loved Yoko too. But these days, well of course I am crazy about Paul. CRAZY. I have dreamed of him twice.

@lakeland Paul is the shiz. I love him to bits. If he asked me to marry me, right now? You bet I would… lolololololololololol

July 13, 2018

It’s amazing how the heart works….

July 13, 2018

What music genre is Oasis? I’ve never heard them before.

@ericabear Alternative. 🙂