
I’m sweating like a pig right now… bc it is like in the low 30s C with the humidex. Holy sh-t. I would wholeheartedly recommend Pokemon Flora Sky to any pokemon fan. It is a fan hack rom. You need a GBA emulator but yeah, it’s awesome! 😀

Nan took us clothes shopping today, I got two pretty dresses. One is a red polka dot one, and the other is a floral black one. I got Blue Jays swag too.. shirts, shorts, and I got some new sneakers, and suede slides, and some tops and capris. Nice stuff! I will take pix of my red dress on Thursday. 😀


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July 9, 2018

I bet your red polka dot dress is very pretty!  Lucky you!

@wildrose_2 I thank God it’s red bc we are going strawberry picking that day ^^