Another class journal entry
How do I answer this question of people that I admire? I do not really admire anyone because of the way the world works. If you have money, things are easier for you and if you do not you are struggling to make ends meet. People made life this way. So how can you admire someone when you are struggling with your own problems?
Seriously, when your own family splits apart because money means more than family how can you admire someone when all they are is greedy? It takes a lot more for a person to be admired. Giving what little you have to help charities feed and cloth the homeless is a lot more admirable than being greedy about money. Which I tend to do, when I have a little spare change I toss into the Salvation Army Kettle, or the Veterans of wars funds when their out at Wal-mart. When I get around to cleaning out my closet of things I can no longer wear, I take it to a consignment shop and if they cannot use it then they can donate it to charity. I personally do not care what they do with it. I cannot use it anymore.
So to be admired I think you have to be at least less self serving than most folks, or have a extreme dream that you want and many others help make happen, that is of admirable value. However, in my own family, I have seen greed more apparent than anything else and I hope that I do not become a person like that.
yeah i’m with you… i don’t have people i admire because some people have strengths that we don’t, but they usually also have such weaknesses.
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