
Why do i sit here n cry?

When i know im not the one

his heart desires?

When i knew from the start

I could never have him?

All i want is to not know lonelyness anymore,

but its all i seem to find.

Why can’t god be merciful to me,

n end my heartache?

All i seem to do is cry, cry n cry some more.

My friends wonder why, but i cant stand to see them

all happily in relationships. it hits hard more than

i can take.

I sit here tears streaming down my face. My heart aching breaking even into smaller fragments.

Realizing more of the things i want i can never have,

wanting them with all my heart n soul, n never beign

able to have them,hurts more than any of u could ever know.

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Hey! Your question is why I like horror and stuff so much? I dunno, it just interests me right now. There’s a lot of cool stuff you can do w/ it and ppl like horror. My dream may be comming true sooner than I thought. Like, Oct., if things work out the way I hope! I’ll write about it in my diary soon, since I haven’t updated lately. Well, I hope things get better 4 you! NMBS!! Bye!

leave teh theatre but why Susan u love drama n stuch???????????? (That’s copied & pasted as your question) So, please… Reword it for me differently or re-write it better cuz I must not understand it. That’s the question I got from you…