
“Skeeter Syndrome” 🦟 is a new phrase I’ve learned amongst parents. I’m not sure if it’s one of those things coined by older generations like Shell Shock for PTSD, or if it was invented on the corners of the internet where moms group together. I say this because “mommy groups” have their own unique abbreviations and lingo that have never existed outside of their blogs and Facebook groups.

Skeeter Syndrome.
A little skeeter got my little Z and a little syndrome.

This is the time of year where those little buggers swarm the living daylights out of you. When we were playing outside on Sunday we were all bit up, but Z’s bites welt up larger than C’s sensitive infant skin. Next thing I know his eye swelled up like something you’d see in Mike Tyson’s boxing ring.
He continued to play, showing no signs it was bothering him so I left it be. The next morning it was worse, his eye practically swollen shut. So I ran to get some antihistamines stressing out if I should take him to the ER or not. I gave him some Zyrtec which has slowly brought it down. J, who’s his and C’s dad, picked him up Monday night. He responded when I texted him in regard to how Zs eye is doing. He hasn’t responded to anything else.

I had a bit of a relapse in feelings and so desperately wanted to pick up my phone and try to get him to talk to me while I let my emotional impulses pick my words. But the relapse in feelings didn’t last as long. I was able to walk away to let it get out of my brain. I couldn’t hold back from saying one thing,

”What is it that you’re so scared of?”



I talked with my attorney this morning. She clarified some updates in my case. Listening to her talk is cathartic for me. My nervous system goes every which direction when putting the series of events together on my own.
Tomorrow, preferably in the am, I need to go make a police report because the person in the case violated the harassment order I have in place. That’s the big thing I have to get done tomorrow while remembering it’s Wednesday so adding anything else will have to work around Z’a pick up time.

S and I spent quality one on one time tonight. My nephew, L was over since yesterday. Bringing him home was the reason I didn’t make it to the police department today. After we got home I made dinner, gave C a bath then put her to bed, then let S paint my toe nails. We then stayed up later to draw together in a special sketchbook he got for Xmas. It was sweet that it was his idea.

its alsmost midnight. I should try to get some sleep.

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