4 weird dreams

Sunday morning, I had like 4 weird dreams, or maybe nightmares.  It was strange, because I was barely asleep. I was awake enough to hear my surroundings.   The first short dream was of a VERY VERY.  IRATE women.  Didn’t see who it was at all.  But all I heard was nothing but screaming, loud what? rattling of the  door, trying to open the door, banging on the walls and windows frantically. It was so loud….. and this woman was screaming at the top of her lungs saying, “LET ME IN!!!!!” and screaming like a demon.  Made me wanna hold my hands up to my ears.  I’ve Never seen anyone act like that in real life.    I don’t think I’ve seen anyone act like that on television. Then the seen change to someone pouring oil on the hooves and head & upper back of a pig.    It was a very short dream.  I think. I was receiving encouragement that God has helped me shut certain doors.       I think He’s really been helping me with that.  Because I’ve really been struggling with certain things.  But the pig????? It looked like the pig was being anointed. The first thing I thought was why is a pig being anointed??  Pig’s don’t get anointed.  I woke up, and slowly went back to sleep.  I was still alert enough to hear my surroundings.  I’m having trouble remembering the other 2 dreams.  All I know is it was really 3 dreams, because this last dream was a split dream?!?!?  Something was happening on the right side, and something completely different was playing out on the left side.  Very Weird?!?!  I haven’t remembered my dreams for Yr’s now.  I used to have nightmares A Lot growing up.  So much so that when I used to have a nightmare, I used to be like “Oh, I had another nightmare.” and I would go back to sleep.  But a little later things changed. I started having nightmares 3 or 4 a night for at least 3 weeks.  I had adopted grandparents who were Christian’s. They prayed over me, and the nightmares stopped.  I was Very Glad to get my sleep back.  And this happened twice.  I’m don’t think this will happen again.      I’m just kinda astonished that I even remembered my dreams.  Weird….pig’s don’t get anointed, sheep do.    Why did the word anointed even pop up in my head anyway?  Ok, what ever.

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