understand what?

Mmmmmmmm.. I’ve got my coffee, it’s 8am and I’m just having a moment.  A good moment, mind you, not one of those crummy ones I tend to have quite frequently lately.  There’s nothing better than a Monday morning knowing I don’t have to go to work, or Uni and Stephen will be home with me for the entire day.  We’ve got someone coming to inspect the house this afternoon, because we’re moving out in 2 weeks!  I’m so excited.. We’ve found a gorgeous 4 bedroom side by side in Baulkham Hills, with a/c and so on.  It’s far better than the place we’re living in now, brand new and a beautiful area as well.  It means I’ll feel much safer when Stephen is away on his trips overseas, because I won’t be living on the wrong side of the tracks anymore, haha!  No, this house is nice…and the area, while a bit noisy at times, is not terrible.  It’s just that we knew there was much better available, so we took advantage of that.  Also, it gets so cold in here lately.  The house will not warm up, even if it’s 20 degrees outside the floor is still freezing.  I bought these beautiful warm cosy comfy brown suede slippers yesterday and they’ve become my new best friend.  I’m sure they will remain that way all winter, no matter where we’re living.  So, as far as living goes, that’s what is new.

Job wise.. Shal, I know you were asking about this in your e-mail.  hehe.  Well, I had a bit of a “confrontation” with my boss at the daycare.  He seemed to decide one day to drop my shifts from 20 hours a week down to 0.  When I asked him why, he couldn’t give me any answers.  I thought that was really un-fair, considering I had been there for 10 months and did everything possible to keep them happy.  So, I pressed the issue a little bit(politely, mind you)… and all he kept saying was “you’re a casual, I don’t owe you anything, you don’t need to know..I’m trying new people, and that’s all”  At this point, after standing up for myself a number of times and becoming completly fed up with 15 minutes of bullshit talk which was going in circles, I said fine, thanks, and I got up to leave.  Stephen had been waiting in the foyer for me, and he had seen a copy of the staff policy on the wall.  He asked for a photocopy of it, for me to have at home.  That’s when my boss went nutty.. He told Stephen to get off the property, saying he had no right to be there and so on.  (Even though previously, he had personally invited Stephen to stop in and say hello any time)  So, Steve waited outside and then my boss had a go at me.. he was literally screaming at me, saying he didn’t care if that’s my husband, and if I wanted to talk to him I should have done it myself.  I politely responded to this by saying “Umm, yeah could you stop yelling at me please, I’ve tried speaking to you myself and still haven’t recieved any answers”  Anyways, after all that garbage I got my copy of the policy, and walked out.  The next day, on my last shift, he came in to tell me that the reason I’m getting no hours is because I “don’t interact with the kids enough”!!!  He told me this, IN FRONT OF the other staff AND the kids.  I thought, you know what…No.  It’s a load of shit, and I know it, and everyone else knows it..but I’m not going to start an argument in this room in front of everybody.  There’s no point, it’ll get me nowhere because I KNOW how ignorant he is.  So, he blabbed on and I went about my business blatantly ignoring him until it was time for me to go home, and that was it.

Currently, I’ve been working 2 shifts a week at Target and the only ignorant people I have to deal with are a few of the customers.  The friendly customers out number them by a long shot, and it’s rare that I’ll ever see the same person twice.  So, I’m happy and comfortable and the daycare I worked so hard for, got up at 5am at the last minute for, did things which weren’t even my responsability for, can sit and suffer when they realize that the new girl they hired is a total cow.  lol, and I know this because she personally told me how she wants to bang one of the kid’s fathers, who incidentally is NOT single and has a newborn baby boy at home.  Good luck to them. 




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Hi – I just started a diary that I write stories at and I was wondering if you would mind coming and reading my diary? Please don’t be offended by me bothering you at your diary. But only come and read my stuff if you want to ok!? Thanks!

June 8, 2004

Hey Kris!! Wowee what a jerk of a boss!!! What a confrontation you had with him! I can’t believe he said those things to you and Stephen – how disrespectful of him! But just realize that you’re way better off at Target. Most people are nice anyways and it’s only once in a while where you get the rotten customers! Take care babe! Luv Ya!!

Hey, just replying to your note on my diary. Yeah, I’ve heard of the school you went to! That’s awesome you grew up in winnipeg! Where do you live now? and hey, I’m just curious…how old are you? well catch ya later.