The Quiet
You know what I appreciate about this virtual “place?” Its the drastic difference from traditional social media, which I’m finding has been far too damaging on my mental health. Facebook is a mess of Covid-19 memes and Tiger King theories, local press conferences about the virus (which, for the most part, I’ve stopped watching) and Moms bitching about home-schooling and lack of wine in the pantry.
Meh. I’m over it.
Life is different right now, and that’s OK. I’ve been making a more conscious effort to stay off my phone, because it’s far too easy to just sit around all day and commiserate. Technically, I am “working” from home, however as I’m an Educational Assistant, what that currently looks like is a little bit of PD via YouTube here and there and the odd staff meeting. We haven’t been given the opportunity to support our students yet, which is what I’m really looking to do. I miss the kids, the classroom and because I specifically work with behavioural needs I really miss constantly being on my toes. I can honestly say I LOVE my job, and I wish I were in school not sitting at my kitchen table. I’d take dodging hits, kicks and flying objects over this any day of the week!
My partner came home with some cans of paint for me this morning, so he and I can update the kitchen. I expect the project will be good for both of us. He’s still working as he’s in an essential role for the government, but even so with nowhere to go, we all have a little bit more free time on our hands. I’ve been napping a lot, which feels so gross. I need this project.
Anyway! I’ll try and commit to a daily entry here. It’s nice to sit down with my coffee and just write. The content doesn’t matter, I think it’s just the act of expressing oneself that’s therapeutic and being able to share (somewhat) anonymously.
Until tomorrow.
x K.
I’m glad to hear that you feel that way about this place, that is part of what makes it special, I think
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this place helps me… it is my stress relief
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This place is very therapeutic. Nice place to vent
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