
Oh I am stressin’ right now, let me tell you.  I have 25 minutes until tutorial registration for this semester, and the system couldn’t be more annoying!!!!  They open up every time slot on the net at exactly 2pm, and then you have to choose which ones you want.  The problem is that the system gets overloaded because a hundred cajillion people (including those who are a little bit technologically challenged) log on at the same time.  Those with high speed connections get exactly what they want, and the poor souls such as myself who only have dial up get screwed over completely.  It isn’t fair I tell you!!!!!!!!!  Last year, by the time it would actually even let me log in, there were only one or 2 spaces left in the classes I wanted.  It’s rediculous!  In any case, I’ve got my window open and I’m ready to click that mouse like a champion.  I had to drop one unit and pick up a compulsary that I never knew about, the papers weren’t processed until late this morning.  It’s a damn good thing they got through in time!  Sometimes I swear that enrollments and crap are even more complicated than the actual classes, lol  Or maybe not more complicated, but definitely more stressful. 

Not much happening here at the moment.  Stephen left yesterday morning for 3 weeks in Darwin.  I was sad, but am feeling a bit better today.  I’ll just have to find ways to keep myself busy.  I’ve got 4 hours of work tomorrow afternoon, and then I’ll be able to find out my shifts for next week.  Zippeeeeee…  I can’t wait until the new store opens, it’ll be so much nicer.  The ladies toilets currently have big mouldy holes in the ceiling.  There’s also problems with rats and fleas.  lol  I picked a real winner of a place to get a job, that’s for sure.  It’s coming up 10 months now since I’ve started there, who would have thought. 

10 minutes and counting…….. Oh tutorial reg.  I could write a song about what a pain in the ass it is.

Anyways!  I hope all is well, I’m off to visit a few favourites now.



Log in to write a note
February 20, 2005

Thank goodness you happened along, otherwise you would have missed me. About that concecration of my love for you, I’ll have my people contact your people.

February 24, 2005

How did registration go??

February 26, 2005

Heyaz Kris! Sometimes computers can be our worst enemies! Sucks that you guys only have dial-up!!! Hope you were able to get into the classes that you wanted! Thanks for your notes and all your support through my recent struggles….Sab and I aren’t together anymore…will fill ya in about it later. Take care, love ya lots!