I’m sitting out on my deck looking up at the sun in the sky. Sometimes it is hard to grasp something like you watching that same sun set while I’m watching it just start to dip behind the tallest trees on the horizon.
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Great picture.
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Regarding TC’s recent entry, 720 calories still leaves her with approx 1000 calories for the entire day, she’s not a moron she most likely will have a good supper and keep it at that. You’re missing her point.
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ryn: Ha, she’s just someone I read, I just agree with her point of view. His point did not need to be countered with a genetic discussion, she was pointing out that she had an average metabolism like most females out there, he was missing her point. Yes it was a big meal but the meal size doesn’t matter if she was sticking within her daily limit. Perhaps she should have said it that way instead of blinking at him like he’s an idiot? Honestly I don’t share TC’s view on many things, but in this case he was being a bit of an idiot.
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ryn: Not at all. I don’t think we need to leave mean notes. I hear what you are saying, TC often picks at the littlest things with her dates. I think she was pissed one time that one guy didn’t wear underwear. I don’t mean to sound rude here, but I read TC for entertainment. Although I agree with her logic about calorie intake. Would I have made a huge deal like she did over it? Probably not, I would have countered his statement and left it at that unless he persisted. At the same time though, I wouldn’t have judged and prosecuted him based on the one interaction. I try not to take TC too seriously. Her standards are so incredibly high and lofty that she without fail always sets herself up for disappointment. Every single man she meets, she compares to love of her life, none of them hold a candle and in a way I don’t think she wants them to. She may write entries laced with loneliness, but if she truly wanted to settle down and be with one person, she wouldn’t judge her dates so severely, she’d try to get to know them on more than just a physical level and a humour level. Any way, I’m fine with notes that are honest, I didn’t even mind your note, I just
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felt like you were a bit off the mark with the whole meal thing. Women seem to constantly be judged by what they eat and how much they eat. If we eat a salad then men lose interest because they don’t want to have to worry about dating an anorexic, if we eat the steak and potatoes some men will look at us with disgust and wonder how long our bodies will hold out with our current diet. As for her being so picky about one conversation? I’m on your side there, again though, these things shouldn’t really be all that noticeable during the first few dates. But TC is a different kind of gal, hence why I read her. I don’t agree with many of her tactics. I don’t like how perfect she expects all of her suitors to be, and I don’t like how the things that make them individuals are turns offs to her because that makes them less like the love of her life.
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Oh and my sentence “Oh not at all,” was in reference to your question on leaving honest notes. I don’t mind that at all, leaving cruel or mean notes on the other hand is a different thing. I didn’t find your note cruel or mean at all.
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ryn: Agreed. She is like that train wreck that you can’t take your eyes off of. I used to get extremely frustrated with her entries but I’ve realized that there’s no point. I think for the most part that she will find something wrong with every single man she meets. I’d love for her to find out what they didn’t like about her. When I think of her I imagine her as this incredibly uptight,arrogant, ice queen. I’m amazed that she even likes to laugh and that’s a top criteria for her. I really hope she is different in person.
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r: Thanks for the note! I have two diaries on OD now…this one is the one I’ve had for almost 10 years (but I lost 2 years of entries when the system was hacked years ago.) Anyways, I write a lot in my other diary b/c it’s new…and I don’t hold back in it like I was holding back in this one! I need to switch names though, b/c the other was in “tobeanonymous” and that’s boring as hell.
thats a pretty picture
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I’m sitting out on my deck looking up at the sun in the sky. Sometimes it is hard to grasp something like you watching that same sun set while I’m watching it just start to dip behind the tallest trees on the horizon.
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Great picture.
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Regarding TC’s recent entry, 720 calories still leaves her with approx 1000 calories for the entire day, she’s not a moron she most likely will have a good supper and keep it at that. You’re missing her point.
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ryn: Ha, she’s just someone I read, I just agree with her point of view. His point did not need to be countered with a genetic discussion, she was pointing out that she had an average metabolism like most females out there, he was missing her point. Yes it was a big meal but the meal size doesn’t matter if she was sticking within her daily limit. Perhaps she should have said it that way instead of blinking at him like he’s an idiot? Honestly I don’t share TC’s view on many things, but in this case he was being a bit of an idiot.
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ryn: Not at all. I don’t think we need to leave mean notes. I hear what you are saying, TC often picks at the littlest things with her dates. I think she was pissed one time that one guy didn’t wear underwear. I don’t mean to sound rude here, but I read TC for entertainment. Although I agree with her logic about calorie intake. Would I have made a huge deal like she did over it? Probably not, I would have countered his statement and left it at that unless he persisted. At the same time though, I wouldn’t have judged and prosecuted him based on the one interaction. I try not to take TC too seriously. Her standards are so incredibly high and lofty that she without fail always sets herself up for disappointment. Every single man she meets, she compares to love of her life, none of them hold a candle and in a way I don’t think she wants them to. She may write entries laced with loneliness, but if she truly wanted to settle down and be with one person, she wouldn’t judge her dates so severely, she’d try to get to know them on more than just a physical level and a humour level. Any way, I’m fine with notes that are honest, I didn’t even mind your note, I just
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felt like you were a bit off the mark with the whole meal thing. Women seem to constantly be judged by what they eat and how much they eat. If we eat a salad then men lose interest because they don’t want to have to worry about dating an anorexic, if we eat the steak and potatoes some men will look at us with disgust and wonder how long our bodies will hold out with our current diet. As for her being so picky about one conversation? I’m on your side there, again though, these things shouldn’t really be all that noticeable during the first few dates. But TC is a different kind of gal, hence why I read her. I don’t agree with many of her tactics. I don’t like how perfect she expects all of her suitors to be, and I don’t like how the things that make them individuals are turns offs to her because that makes them less like the love of her life.
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Oh and my sentence “Oh not at all,” was in reference to your question on leaving honest notes. I don’t mind that at all, leaving cruel or mean notes on the other hand is a different thing. I didn’t find your note cruel or mean at all.
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ryn: Agreed. She is like that train wreck that you can’t take your eyes off of. I used to get extremely frustrated with her entries but I’ve realized that there’s no point. I think for the most part that she will find something wrong with every single man she meets. I’d love for her to find out what they didn’t like about her. When I think of her I imagine her as this incredibly uptight,arrogant, ice queen. I’m amazed that she even likes to laugh and that’s a top criteria for her. I really hope she is different in person.
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r: Thanks for the note! I have two diaries on OD now…this one is the one I’ve had for almost 10 years (but I lost 2 years of entries when the system was hacked years ago.) Anyways, I write a lot in my other diary b/c it’s new…and I don’t hold back in it like I was holding back in this one! I need to switch names though, b/c the other was in “tobeanonymous” and that’s boring as hell.
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but in any case- it’s fixed now.
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