Hi (Dreaded Favorites Only)
I apologize but most of my entries are ‘favorites only.’
Just who are these favorites anyway, why are they special (and they are), and am I likely to change back to an open diary that anyone can read?
Let’s start with the easiest question first. Am I likely to change back to an open diary that anyone can read?
What, you want more? You know, for someone who might be excluded from the rest of my journal, you are pushy.
Why favorites only? To give myself the gift of being vulnerable. If I wanted to tell my mom my private thoughts, or my boss, or my sons, don’t you think I would have already? In today’s information age it is just too easy for people from my daily life to find this diary. Oh come on, we all have secrets!
So who are my favorites and why are they so special I trust them with my inner fears? They are people who have something to say in their own diaries. People who don’t feed on, or worse create, drama. They tend to have a sense of humor. Oh, and they like me. Go figure, I open myself up to people who have been kind to me in notes. And close myself to those that are excessively ugly.
Which leaves the hardest question, should you ask to be a favorite?
Anyway, all this seems like a lot of work, adding, subtracting favorites, and it is. But with favorite only entries I feel like I can really say more.
Say more. Want more. Be more. That’s me {smile}
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I just thought I’d tell you that I got a whopping dose of excess sugar in that last sip of coffee I just took. bleah.
So. I’m sitting here trying to come up with some kind of intelligent comment, drawing a blank and thinking, “You know, he probably won’t mind if you just say ‘hi’ back.” So Hi back.
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Thanks for keeping me on your favorites. I haven’t been noting much but I have been reading.
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hi {smile} you have, um… fan mail. :: hanging head ::
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You’re pretty damned special…
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ryn: Thanks but I’m no saint. My Mom has Alzheimer’s and lives in a big house with a 3 acre yard on 27 acres – she can’t live alone and we didn’t want to take her away from her home and her life. Alzheimer’s victims do better with the familiar. As much as I bitch about her I love her and will take care of her.
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well, i hope the reason i’m not is simply because i haven’t noted much, because i don’t think i have any OD drama, nor do i think i’m angry or mean.
in any case, i understand. it’s really hard for me to keep up by noting everyone i read so that happens.
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we are all flawed, but you are beautiful. take care. xoxo,
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ryn’s: nuh uh. i noted you picture entry and a couple others. i just honestly don’t have time to note everyone on my list unless they are also constantly noting me and continuing a dialogue. and sometimes i simply don’t have anything interesting to add. it’s nothing personal, i promise. and like i said, i totally understand either way. no worries.
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Hi to you too. I really hate having to explain why someone did or didn’t make the list. It’s my damn diary thats why. Simple enough, right? Nothing is ever really that simple.
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Old man. TeeHee.
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I dont blame you at all. It does make it easier to put a little more of the inside on the outside when its favorites only! Oh.. And I really enjoy reading. Thanks for keeping me on the ‘favs’. Yes.. I had to check back an entry to see the “favs only” at the top.. LOL
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I am glad I am on your list
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Happy to be a fav or yours! Thanks…
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God, I couldn’t have said it better myself! Everything you alluded to here is EXACTLY why I’m Fav’s Only. Here’s to hoping I continue to be one of your Fav’s! =-)
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ryn: yeah, like your mother said “if you don’t have something nice to say…” btw… lurker or just happened by? I’m always curious when it’s someone new.
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i added you to our faves a while ago. we are 100% drama free, which is one of the reasons we have this diary just as a sensual confessional. readers of my everday diary would be flabberghasted by the idea of sweetest taboos. i am very interested to read your diary, particularly because i can’t
ttyl perhaps, kitten
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very intriguing, enough so that I am leaving a note and wondering if the rest is as captivating or if curiosity is all that there is….
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But can you make new friends? And have new favorites? *batting eyelashes*
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I tend to only note when I feel that I have something to say… Other than that I lurk, which I guess is why you’ve dropped me. Best wishes…
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Peace is a good thing. *smile*
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I’m intrigued, can I be added?
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Yikes! I’m assuming your e-mail was about being blocked. Evidently I did it (again) yesterday when I was trying to figure out how to post photos. I went thru every one of those thingies listed. BTW, why would you want to read my diary when you’ve evidently blocked me why your WantingMore diary? What. Ever.
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Heh. Durn. You took me off of your faves list just when I was about to get caught up reading. BTW, I took men off of mine because of some things I was writing about…. Nothing personal concerning any of the OD men.
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RYN on Intrinsicallyme’s diary: She hasn’t been dismissed. She never was. Apparently you didn’t read my note. There was some confusion going on during the time she posted that entry but that doesn’t meen the worst. Everything is fine. Glad you were conscerned. Have A Great Day!
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I certainly agree that feelings are not logical, as a matter of fact they aren’t even rational. I can certainly appreciate your note and your sharing your empathy for Charalene’s feelings at the time. I know she hasn’t updated recently and we have discussed the topic of that entry at great length. Given of course that you can’t rationalize or apply logic to feelings, as they are on an entirely >>>
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different part of our being. I did not mean to be offensive in my previous note, forgive me if I came accross that way. Have A Great Day!
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Damn, you’re sexy!
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*wanders in from mijo’s birthday entry..* Happy Birthday!
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good for you
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I just blocked you. You might have a hard time understanding this, but I’m writing for my own self about my own issues. Your note challenged me to think. I never named you and I refuse to let you make this a personal issue because my diary isn’t about you or your own insecurities. I’m just trying to forge my way through my own mess. It. Isn’t. About. YOU.
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I would love to be added to your list.
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RYN: Did you turn off notes? Couldn’t note on a later entry. That’s quite a question out of the blue. Is that rhetorical, or literal? Happy to address either. What do YOU want?
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I have been keeping up with you, but I don’t always note, as you know. But thanks for clearing that up. Please give me your private email address? You made the offer once. If you don’t wish to, no worries — I understand. I don’t know what I want, but I can tell you that when my husband is making regular love to me and the money issues are on the back burner, and…
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…. my daughter is doing well, and is happy, I don’t “want” for anything. Both Husband and I recognize this fact. Perhaps after a long time of having all those things, I might grow… bored? But I don’t have them often enough, so… yeah… my life is seriously super when Husband is taking care of me as I feel he should. There are things I’ll never have….
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….like, I’d like to live in a larger city and do a different kind of work — have warm summer evenings and the Murano (lol), but… I can’t, not now. So…. I try to take the best of what this life with Husband has to offer. What do I want? To be happy all the time. Other than that, I DON’T know. LOL. And you?
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mmm…add me? i like to read about people near where i grew up.
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So, did I get booted out of your Fav’s club?
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I changed my password. Planned on doing that anyway. Don’t exactly want *my* diary quite so open. She is the only person here who’s phone number I had (no electricity, no internet). Either you trust me or you don’t – It’s as simple as that. You are right, we are very different as is the situation with many people I read/write to/for. That’s what makes it interesting. -c-
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The ball is in YOUR court. I hope *I* remember the password I just changed it to.
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been gone two months. not noting or writing til i got here this week….just saying
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what attack? what friend? i have no idea what you are talking about. honest i don’t. catherine? i thought she was being hit on by leslie again. that’s the only fracas i can recall here alate.
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Some how I just happened across your diary…not really sure how I got here…but I think it’s a good idea to keep some things out of a diary…no one I actually know in my day to day life actually knows I keep one…I would go to favorites only..but I come to find that I don’t get much drama by way of noters… April
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just an old friend who wishes she knew what you were writing about, who enjoyed starting her day with your words, saying hello.
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i guess i’ll just keep noting these two entries. It wouldn’t be so bad if the entry that shows on my liste weren’t titled “shame on me.” please R? i don’t want to be grounded from you anymore.
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I think I WAS a Fav and went and deleted my diary. Kept the name when coming back. I can’t ever be angry? About anything? Don’t you dare say you’re old. Why, I’m way older than you and I ain’t old. Smile So, you gonna add me? My diary is p u b l i c. Course, I’m retired and everyone who counts knows I’m an atheist. Oops! Maybe you don’t want an atheist Fav?
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I saw you on someone else’s entry and was curious about you. I’d like to be added…curiosity gets the best of me most times.
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Please add me in return. Thank you. Sorry to hear about your niece. That has to be difficult.
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I guess I’ll have to prove myself worthy, & I’m not sure I will be. (just the drama part……Once)
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I am doing NoJoMo, and Sweet Francesca writes about you a lot. I don’t have a new diary, though it might look like it, I deleted a lot of my entries, actually, all of them, and started fresh this summer. I don’t like drama, so I won’t create it, and I’d really like to read you during NoJoMo, and possibly farther. I read a lot of women, around your age, so while I am younger, I prefer to read fromolder members of the human species. I don’t note a lot, but if you want notes when I read, I can do that, and I’m not asking to be on your faves list so you have to read me. I’m just an interested reader.
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“We lie to ourselves the most after all.” I love it. Something I realized recently and I’m taking that scary turn to “being honest” in my diary. It’s been… interesting. And, likewise, any friend of PC’s is a friend of mine. He knows great people and I know you are one of them. Say hi in my diary any time you like. I enjoy notes from you. And if you ever feel like letting me into those “faves only” entries… well I would love it.
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I’m the same way with my diary. I post a precious few Public Entries, but in my FO entries I am wide open.
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