Happy Father’s Day Indeed (edit DEUX)

Last Night. More to Come.


Edit: Don’t like the weather? Or even if you do. Just wait. It will change.

Edit 2: This picture deserves to stand on its own. It fought so fiercely to be born. Pushing the storm aside. Tossing colors to the clouds without fear. All to demand my attention. And I did honor her. Left my lobster dinner several times to stand on the porch and kiss her with my lens.

So I should give her her own entry… to be sure she gets seen. Not everyone stops for edits after all. How exciting can an edit be?

But I like the idea that those that really want to see, will see.

So here she is for you. I picked up the camera again.

Last night. Father’s day.

This morning is a beautiful sunny day. We drive back home. But still my thoughts linger on last night and the gift of the sky.

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::smile:: i was hoping you were going to get a beautiful sunset or two ::kiss:: Happy Father’s Day!

*smiles back*

Happy Father’s Day 🙂




that’s a great shot ::kiss:: love it :))

I’ve always thought it kind of funny that no matter where anyone lives, I eventually hear from them, “Well you know what they say about (my city), if you don’t like the weather, just stick around for a little while, and it will change.” When I think about it…. it’s kind of funny that we all seem to buy into the idea that such a notion applies only to wherever we happen to live!

the lightning pic is super cool! ryn- well, aren’t you mischievious… what would you be looking for?

*sigh* Gorgeous.

wow. beautiful and frightening at the same time.

oh. wow. i am full of awe.

I am envious. That was incredible and I imagine all the more so in person.

Wow. Just…wow.


Breathtaking, that last photo. They’re all worthy of their own posts, to be sure. Glad you took breaks from your lobster to capture the exquisite colors.

Simply beautiful!

Oh wow. That last photo is phenomenal. I’m glad to be seeing pictures from you again.

Beautiful in all of it’s many moods! I’m so glad you could go to the cabin for Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day!

Thank you for being MY caring, sweet friend! You’re like the gift of the sky… I know you’re there, everchangingly magnificent and beautiful.

Thank you for your long notes about you and your wife about your life with her. I wish, so hard, that she could/would give you what you want and need. Life is so complicated at our age — children growing up, bodies getting older, and sometimes, a spouse taking the other spouse for granted. She needs to love you up, so that you feel it in your heart. Thank you for sharing. It gives me understandin

g and perspective on your situation. There is love there, but not fulfillment. *lots of hugs* I want to say how glad I am that we are friends. *kisses*

That last picture just blows me away. And I’m sure it was even more fabulous in person.

Absolutely Gorgeous! Do you mind if I use the last photo for my desktop background?

wow….the third is stunning.. you know it is one thing to see the sky like this, it is quite another to be able to share it through a picture. This takes my breath away. oh and truly.. I am envious of your view kiss

you took these pics?!? amazing!!! yes, this mass weather is fantastic.

WOW! what an amazing sky!

wonderful. absolutely wonderful.

WOW. The last two should be blown up. 😉

i am a little frightened that i know the name of your friend!!! wow rick. i am sorry.

I know its going to get worse before it gets better. I know it will get better. we will remind you in a couple of months and uh how about every day now too. don’t you hate when people bypass the no notes. smooch

God! That last pic is gorgeous! 🙂

Indeed. I have left approximately 50 sexy notes already. I am spreading the sexy all around!

