Who Let The Dogs Out

These are two of my babies….on the left we have Rowdy aka Roro and on the right we have Macklin aka Big Mak. These are amazing dogs! They are sweet and funny and cuddly and generally well behaved….generally. This picture was taken in the mud room where they come in from outside…it’s always disgusting. (Don’t judge) As you can see Roro is a little bit smaller than Big Mak. Not much, about 20lbs but he’s also only @ 15 months old compared to Mak being almost 3. They weigh 81 and 107lbs respectively. I know this because they were both at the vet recently….how they got there is a bit of a mystery.
I live in a small town and I love it. We are a close knit community where people still greet each other with hugs and handshakes and will help you out without having to be asked. Owning a dog rescue has made me “friends” with people I don’t really know. LOL I’m not complaining….I play along and hope that I eventually remember where I “know” them from or what dog they adopted from me. There are usually pictures involved if they adopted from me so that helps. LOL
So back to my mystery. These two little hooligans somehow got out of my 8 foot gated yard last week. They got out without anyone noticing, anyone hearing and without the other dogs following. The gates were closed and locked, there are no holes in the fence and no holes under the fence. It’s magic….the simply vanished out of the yard.
At 1:30pm I got the following picture: someone was sending me puppy porn….starring my puppy! When I asked who it was all I got in response was “I have Macklin and Rowdy, they are safe” I freaked the fuck right out! Who the hell had my dogs! Ok, play it cool, don’t freak out. The dogs aren’t stressed obviously since I got this picture next:
Ok, they get an A for sending proof of life photo’s but seriously….where the fuck are my dogs? I called the number, no answer. I kept texting….no answer. A little bit later these pictures come in:
Ok, my guys are safe and obviously unharmed. I’m happy about that. I offer to go pick them up. No answer. I ask if they are waiting for a reward. Both dogs wear a tag offering a $100 finders fee to anyone who finds them out and brings them home. I’m serious about my dogs y’all. Nothing!!
I had just called the Sheriff’s department when my phone popped up the number for my Vet. I answered and the office manager says “ok, strange story to tell you” I screamed at her ARE MY DOGS HURT!! Uhm no, they aren’t hurt. Someone dropped them off at the office a few minutes ago, said they found them out by Stockdale and didn’t want them to get hit so they took them to their house and then brought them to the vet on their tags!! What the absolute fuck, these little shits had run almost 20 miles!! I asked her if she knew this person and she said nope, never seen them before. I go pick up my dogs who are both happy and tired after their little journey. I showed her the pictures on my phone and she agreed that it was super strange. LOL
So the boys are home and all is well but the question remains…..who let the dogs out and who actually had them? I may never know but thank you kind (creepy) stranger. I owe you $200.
OMG I am so glad they got back home, they are wonderful!
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OMG is right! Who the heck had your dogs and why did they send you those ransom like photos? Weird! Well, the person couldn’t have been a bad person because they brought your pups to their vet office. So glad they are safe and home again.
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Aww they’re so cute! My Finn looks a bit like Rowdy but has brown spots in there too. Glad they were found and taken care of.
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Oh thank Goodness they are home safely. Yes, I wonder why the stranger needs his/her/’ anonymity? odd, but, thankful they were taken to your Vets’ office!!
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owwww your babies are so cuuuuute !!!
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