Happy Holidays???

I don’t look forward to this time of year….my job gets super hectic and my passion even more so! This is what I deal with for the next few months!
According to the SPCA and Humane Society, in the next 4-8 weeks, you’ll all be seeing the “We need to re-home our pet…” posts. These are the people who went ahead and purchased puppies & kittens as Christmas gifts who are suddenly allergic, moving, having a baby, don’t have time, their kids won’t take care of it, didn’t think they’d get so big, blah, blah, blah. Problem is, almost 90% of unwanted pets, sadly end up in kill shelters.
Allow me to break it down for you.
You didn’t know you had an allergy? Oops. Don’t let the pet suffer, buy some allergy medicine, if you love your pet, it’s absolutely worth a shot.
You’re moving? What city are you moving to that doesn’t allow dogs? Bullshitville? You have a responsibility to your living, breathing family member to plan ahead to find a house, apartment or condo that will ALLOW your family member. Period.
Oh, you had no idea you were due to have a baby in 2 months? Interesting. Get a dog trainer if you’re housing a breed you fear might become an issue. It’s also worth a shot.
Don’t have time for ONE 15 minute walk, or to have a dog just sit next to you while you’re home? Really? So they’re better off in a shelter than waiting in your house for you to get home? Ok, perhaps get another pet to keep them company or look for a local dog-sitter.
Oh, you mean your 5 year old didn’t step up to the plate to feed, walk and scoop poop? And this surprised you? I guess it’s time for YOU to step up and model responsibility for your child.
Wrong size? Not cute as an adult? Not quite the personality you expected? Look in a mirror, how did you turn out? Should we send you back?
Yes, I feel the same! Those crazy excuses make zero sense! And I’ve known people like that! A pet is just a possession they throw out when it doesn’t go with the décor anymore. I’m all angry now. Thanks! LOL My pets are my babies. I don’t even call them pets. They’re my children! Good luck.
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DiaryMistress and I have worked with rescue organizations for years, and it is always amazing the cockamamie excuses people come up with. Nobody (and I mean nobody) should buy a puppy or kitten as a Christmas present unless they have fully considered the consequences. Also (of course) only from a rescue org or shelter, but I’d love to think that goes without saying at this point.
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I’m with you 100%. If I gave up my animals every time they were an inconvenience or annoying I’d be on my 1000th cat and my 800th dog. Yeesh. It’s part of being responsible for another being (children AND furry family members included).
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I adopted my beloved Lucky (a cat) in May 2017. It always hasn’t been peaches and cream, we’ve both gone through some difficult times. Especially Lucky because life circumstances made it necessary to board him more than once. Namely, my father was diagnosed and died of cancer, I needed to be there to help him. Also, an upstairs bathtub overflowed and damage was done to my bathroom and bedroom. Lucky had to be boarded then. Also, Lucky became ill. Upper Respiratory Infection, Bacterial Infection, and Colitis. He had to stay overnight at the emergency clinic. Required IV of antibiotics, x-rays, and lab work. When I adopted Lucky I purchased pet insurance, Trupanion. It paid for a good portion of Lucky’s medical expenses. Smartest thing I ever did was to purchase pet insurance. Now, given everything that occurred from the time I adopted Lucky to now, in only 7 months, it’s been hard for both of us but when I adopted Lucky from the rescue shelter, I made a commitment to him for life. For life! He’s only 2 years old so we will have many more years together and I have a big responsibility to make sure he is well taken care of . It’s important that those who adopt a pet understand what they are committing to. Pets are not disposable.
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Those people, who do that are low as can be. I never understood that either. I once had to re-home my dog, whom I loved with all of my being, because my daughter age 18 at the time, had very bad psychological problems, self mutilating, etc, and she thought I loved the dog, more than her. She could not help it, and was admitted for a few days to a psychiatric hosp. and put on meds, and I had to give up Teddy Bear. I cried for a long time to come, even though my sacrifice was legit, I hated having to give him away. My daughter is much better now, 37, but, now refuses to take meds. But, she practices dealing with her issues herself. I still wish she would go back on meds, but, I pray for her. She’s a good mother though, very good.
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