3 dogs in 2 days

You wanna know one of the things that gets me the most about people who dump their dogs? I know you’re thinking about the obvious thing. How sad, how irresponsible, how uncaring etc. etc. etc. But that’s not it….what gets me right in the feels every time is that the dog you dump will most likely sit right where you dumped him….waiting for you to come back . He will wait dutifully for you to return until a) something scares him off or b) something kills him or c) someone rescues him.
Imagine if you will that you have a 2 year old child. One day you wake up and decide being a parent isn’t working out for you. This kid is messy, he doesn’t mind, he’s always breaking your stuff and he’s way more responsibility than you thought. So you take him several miles from your house (can’t have him finding his way back home now can we) sit him on the side of the road with a box of crackers and get in your car and drive away. You’re sure he’ll be fine, he’s a cute kid. Someone will come along and take him for sure.
Not one person in their right mind would do this. But that’s essentially what you are doing every time you abandon a dog. Their reasoning and understanding levels are on par with a 2 year old child. They can’t fend for themselves, they don’t know how to find proper shelter, they’ve never had to “hunt” for food. So they sit and wait for their shitty “owners” to come back and save them. Twice this weekend I picked up someones dumped animals. A pair of the sweet girls had literally been sitting in the same spot for 4 days. That means they were dumped right after Christmas yep, RIGHT AFTER CHRISTMAS!! The owner did at least dump a pile of food for them *sigh* I just don’t get it y’all…what the hell is wrong with people? I mean look at these faces:
All three of these dogs are super cute, very well behaved, house trained and were obviously someones pet. Because they are considered strays, we are obligated to wait 72 hours before we put them up for adoption. If they aren’t reclaimed (hahaha) they will be available for adoption. In the mean time we will love on them and get them fully vetted and try to undo the trauma someone inflected on them.
So Happy New Year everyone….you know how I spent my spent my New Years Eve and day…how did you spend yours?
They are so adorable. I pray that they find their furrever homes!
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I’m too emotional. I’m crying right now. Human hurting animals make me feel… so bad, I have no words.
Those three are so lovely.
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Beautiful doggies. So sad. Just doesn’t compute in my mind, how they can do this , or why they DO -do it? My guilt would eat me alive and I’d go back and get him/her, although I would never dump him/her/ in the first place!!! You do “God’s work.” As far as I’m concerned you do. Thank you for all you do, and it’s not easy. KUDOS!!!!!!!!!
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