Nighttime stuff

I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately. I think it’s because my indica pen is out. Mom says I was born an insomniac. I went through life sleeping a few hours a night. I even developed a fear of going to sleep. It’s still there, I’m not perfect. Everything has to be done perfectlyyyyy before I can go to sleep. Husband calls it “nighttime stuff.” He’s allowed to do the nighttime stuff because he’s learned the routine. Most of the time I do the nighttime stuff because I always have to be the last one asleep. If we go to bed at the same time, I’ll force myself to stay up until he’s asleep.

I don’t know. I have no rhyme or reason. Just a random OCD thing. Husband doesn’t usually stay up and he knows how I am so if he’s up and I ask if he’s ready for bedtime, he’ll usually move to the bedroom. A few times I’ve tried to sleep while he stayed up but I can’t. No matter how tired I am. I just lie in bed anxious until he comes to bed.

I wonder where this stems from.

Weed has helped my insomnia tremendously. I don’t smoke every night but if I can’t sleep, a few hits from a pen and I finally feel sleepy. Or if I wake up in the middle of the night.

I’ve functioned most of my life sleep deprived. In fact, I hardly ever feel actually sleepy. I don’t really get jetlag when we travel. Even going to Europe, even when I was younger. I’d just stay awake until around 11pm and then wake up the next day on a new schedule.

Staying awake is easy. Sleeping is difficult.

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October 28, 2021

Same here. I can’t sleep worth shit at night, and it affects my day. 🙁

October 29, 2021

Well I learned something-the indica pen.  When I was your age I slept 8 hours like clockwork.  Now I am lucky if I get 4hrs.  I have started improving my sleep hygiene which is the same as your routine.  No laptop an hour or so before going to bed.  Dark comfy room.  Some fresh air around bedtime.   Phone silenced or if leave it on put far from bed so is difficult to get up and get to it. No digital clock .  Mine does not include a pen but I usually take my xanax at night instead of the morning. It is already past my bedtime and here I am reading diaries then will work a jigsaw puzzle and visit my game.It will be another half hour at least.  At least 1:30am is an improvement over 3 or 4am. I am sorry you have issues withi sleep.  My doctor said the older I get the less sleep I will need.  😎


November 3, 2021

@tracker2020 On netflix there is mindfulness meditations called Headspace Guide to Sleep. Really helps me wind one on days where sleep is lost. They’re each about 10-15 minutes, and after you’ve run through a few you van do them in your mind when you’re trying to sleep without having to have the tv on.

November 3, 2021

@vulnerableme I will go check that out!  We have another problem sleeper I will pass this on to Carina.  I have brushed up my sleep hygiene especially shutting town the tv early and off the internet at least a half hour before the same bed time each night.  I did fine until I fell into my old habits.  Adding your additional trip may make a difference with me.  Thanks.

October 29, 2021

I also didn’t know about the indicta pen.  I use RSO (Rick Simpson’s Oil) for pain but I really don’t like the high it gives me.  Makes the room spin.  Even so, I’ve always required LOTS of sleep, more than most people.

I hope you get restful sleep in future.

November 3, 2021

@novembercirese If you live a legal marijuana state, I get the AirPro pen, the indica one (Indica pen tops are usually purple). The battery is actually more expensive than the actual weed lol, but you only need to purchase the battery once. In my state the battery is about $60 and the pen top is $35. I have very low weed tolerance, so one hit and I’m usually asleep within 15 minutes.

November 3, 2021

AiroPro* Pen

November 4, 2021

@vulnerableme Thank you for the information!