willow tree

 i wrote my last entry from my tablet. i think its time i start using this more. i need to express myself cause im keeping to much in and i cracked, or im on my period. its hard to tell honestly. I just bleed randomly now. i have had this thing in for about a month and yea no good. random pain, and i just bleed ranonly. its the UDI, i read up on it so i knew there were some not so cool side effects but i hoped. oh well. 

As far as my relationship. theres alot of truths that i need to face. I think we are better friends than anything else. there is just no passion or spark in that manner right now. Maybe later we can rekindle but who knows. We have both agreeed to meet in a 6m at this expso and go from there. No expectations, just seeing how thing are between us. i can deal with that. as much as it hurts i think this is the best. i have a super hard semester coming up and i need help. i need to focus and do really well. 6 more months and ill have my degree.  i didn want to cry want to cry this morning, i vented alot last night to a friend and to him. 

Myles is being a tard most of the time. He throws temper tantums about everything. And its going to be interesting how it goes when we live with my mother. sigh so many things. im going to end up supporting, i always do. but shes great with the kids but doesnt listen to me about the rules.

i guess thats all for now. i have so many other things i need to do 

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