this is a better update

 ok so i should write a little more than just one or two lines. I have had a suspcion that i was preggers for a little while. The 15th i was suppose to start my flow and i took a test. Now in truth i had taken several test knowing i was…or thought i was. They all came up negative. So i waited till the 15. I took on the night before and the test was unconclusive. So i took 2 more one was a negative and one was positive. so i called the free clinic and asked them and they said to come and get tested. But they are just like what the home test are. So i made the appointment and got some test. It was faint but it was a positive and same thing at the clinic, She took 3 and they were faint but still positive. 

Now on to the bf and me. Things are good still a little rocky, He got pissed at me and had a bad moment. Of course he is not totally on board with the im pregnant thing either. He wants an abortion and i do not. If he cant get on board then i will move back to nc. arrgh so tired. my engery really disappears fast. but theres still more to do. Ive lost weight. i hope to keep losing hopefully until the baby gets bigger. Still going to the gym. trying to get a work out shortly. i think the bf is going to do something bad tho. Like cheat again. 

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In this age babies don’t just happen by accident. If he didn’t want a pregnancy he should have wrapped it, and unless you “oopsed” him he should reconsider who he’s angry with. He can’t make you abort. That said, I personally wouldn’t keep (or even conceive) a loser’s baby, but that’s your prerogative. Should you keep it, I hope you do the right thing and leave him alone.

May 20, 2012

I agree. In reality we are both to blame for this to happen. His whole world has been changed now. And like as i said.. if he doesnt agree with my decision then i will leave it him be.