
 ok so its been like a week. i could have updated sooner i just did not want to. work is going well. school is going well. trying not to get so frustrated about it all. i start working on the phones monday… so nervous about that. sigh. myles is doing good. he got a runny nose. im going to give him a saline solution later to help that. otherwise he would have slept in this morning. i think.. well i am finishing this later in the day. today is ok. its a yo-yo honestly. i love him and he is doing well. the bad part is him and myles have backslide and i dont know how. and we went walking and the bf was a bitch about it. sigh. to the point where he was playing with me and took it too far and i was just pissed. ..people think we are weird. 


im trying this from work. My job is awesome so far. Yes the people can be hard to handle and i dont really know alot but its still awesome. I get surf the web, help people, and free random food. Today it was baked potatoe with random toppings. Monday was root beer floats or orange floats. I got the orange. not a big fan of root beer floats. work is good. myles had a rough morning. but who knows how it turns out. i jogged/walked a mile. woot 5ms almost 6ms and i can do that. going to try to make it more often.


my mom got us a crib and some bottles for the new addition. which was nice. A good friend got a thing that goes on the back of the seat to put things like bottles and what not for the kiddies. so that was awesome. well im not in the mood to update. sort of at work and yeah. but typing is fun. later

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Yay for a crib! I need to go crib shopping…ugh