my jeep

so everything is just of crashing on me. my jeep is still not working right. we got a new battery thinking that would stop the random dying and nope. of course he didn really test it just cranked it up and back out and called it good. it died on my way to the sitters. the whole trip is about 10-20m if i stay and talk and it died atleast 4 times. it is a quiet die. could be the fuel pump, some screw, or the computer. he is telling me to sell it. and honestly i want to but i dont. i love my jeep and its done so much for me. and since we are on rocky ground i would rather have it incase i leave. who knows what is going to happened there. i should be studying of course i had time but i decided to mop and yeah. i had to explain to him why i didn want to sell my jeep.  and he was quiet after that. so i think he got the idea. i am hungry. i love him so. its retarded.

in other news one of the ladies i read on her lost her baby. i cant even say how upset i am. i cried for her. well thats the hormones but i cant even just go though that. my prayers go out to her . she was pregnant and like a week away from delivering and something happened and the baby died. so you can imiagine how tough that is. i had nightmares all night because of it. doesnt seem like a big deal but that happens when something is on my mind i cant shake.

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