happy weekend..dreams

this weekend has been just awesome. myles has been on his best behavior and because of that we get to do more family activities. we played games together, wrestled, went to the spray park got ice cream and enjoyed ourselves. myles is finally shaking his head yes instead of saying no all the time. me and randy are doing well even the sex is better. I cant believe the change. I am in utter amazement of how things can be when we both put forth love and just relax. I was able to get some chapters read. I started reading dune. I saw the series a few years ago and thought it was awesome but the book series was so long it intimated me and now I’m reading it. well the bf picked it up on his trip and I initially grabbed it for work but I really got into it. thinking about starting back reading time for Myles. I use to do when we lived in tx but moved here upset the balance we had there. I’m thinking every night we switch off reading to myles. he has plenty of books. I request books for presents since we were reading so much at the time. I’m very excited for how things are going. the three of us all took a shower together. it was awkward at 1st but we starting playing around and it turned out to be fun. not something we would do normally but just something fun and random. I moved up myles bed time I’m wondering if that is what is helping with his attitude. he is still going ot have bad days but maybe it is helping. there’s this thing ..I’m not sure what it is. its not a rash. its raised bumps under his armpit and side. I thought chicken pox but its not that. I was thinking maybe an allergic reaction but I don’t think so unless its something the sitter gives him. still don’t think so otherwise it would clear up in a few days. could be exerma? I’m not sure how to spell it but I have and his dad has it so maybe. he as a doc appointment so ill ask just to make sure. he looks so much like his dad its scary. sometimes it takes me back the looks he gives me..spitting image of his dad. its hard cause I don’t care for his dad. there’s very little redeeming cattails in him. he rather drink and play house than have anything to do with his kids. I don’t respect that. he blames everyone for his problems instead of taking responsibility. I only bring it up cause had a dream about him last night. it wasn’t a bad dream it just was a typical interaction with him. he acts like he cares about his son and then bails. in the dream I let him watch Myles while I went to work on a Saturday. and on my way to work his like I cant watch him something came up and I knew that meant his gf and we were fighting and I was stressing cause I had no one to watch myles and the lack of parenting or love he has for his kids. then randy wakes up and he is in a weird mood. but he is just sleepy he didn sleep good cause i didn sleep good.

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