disco disco

 thanks guys for the comments :). i’m hoping to get this new job. and if i do i may make new friends. so who knows. well are anniversary actually was a lot of fun. the dinner was nice. the sex sucked but we had a great time just hanging out and watching movies. the sex is hit and miss with him. i don’t know what to do about that. maybe its the stress. but i’m not going to focus on that. we have a great time just hanging out. we watched movies and randomly started doing disco disco like " don’t mess with the zohan"…watched some scary movies and cuddled together and random other things. it was good. even myles sort of behaved. then i had to work saturday. working was not the bad part it was getting my ass chewed out. sigh. i did deserve most of it though. there was things i did not know that needed to be done. and i had thought i had done everything. it was mostly cause of my lack of experience in this field. must do better, i might try to work both jobs and go back to school. im not sure how but i can do it. i have to do it.  but we did end up having decent morning sex. but it was interrrupted by this very little person lol. sigh. 

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