all about myles and me **e**

i didn not get a chance to really talk about yesterday. ive been busy this morning cleaning and eating lol. sounds funny but yes that’s what pregnant woman do :). I picked up myles from the sitter and we went to olive garden (real fancy right) and we shared my soup, he ate the breadsticks and then his meal came. While waiting he saw the food and mostly remained calm. it is very hard for him to do so when he sees food or drink. he automatically wants it. i was able to talk to him and explain that we are waiting and when we sit down he can eat… and he understood for the most part. thats huge.. most of his fits are cause of lack of communication. i normally try to talk before anything else, i try to stay consistent, set simple rules and use time out. now that sounds wonderful but does it normally work…no. correction it does not work when i am around or the one doing it. people normally say thats cause i give in. no i dont. i rarely give in to his tempertantums. if he has been good and listens and we have a small problem i might given what it is about. i do not come running when he cries unless he is hurt or sick then i love on my little boy like there is no tomorrow. i am strict he does not call the shots i am the parent. he has gone to bed half way though a meal cause he either refused to eat with his utensils. he does not like everything that has been served for him and he make him eat as much as i can and then release him to go play or bath time or whatever. he will get a pat on the butt if he decides to stop walking and just go to the ground while we are out. i try not to pick him up a lot now cause he is almost 2 and can walk. i understand he cant always walk the distance i do have a stroller or cart to put him in. and i am pregnant. he starts throwing a fit in the store… i stop what I’m doing and we either go outside or a quiet corner and i deal with the situation as best as i can. i have gone so far as going back to my jeep to put him into time out. we play, i talk to him on his level on baby talk, he helps clean up, helps fold clothes and other things. We do high fives and claps and try encourage positive behavior. now doing all that he still shows his ass to me. example:

i walk in the door and he starts crying.. not just whining but crying for food. now the sitter has had no real problems with him.. honestly he is quiet and playful there. the bf has very little problem with. and easily able to discipline him if he needs. but in general myles does what is asked and is quiet and playful. then i come home and he whines and cries for everything. I adjust my schedule when i come home and sit down with him..he is in my lap. i talk to him and try to ease him.. until he fills ready and comfortable to get up on his own and go play or be less whiny. and the rest of night might still be a big whiny battle between me and him.

So i dont always get to just enjoy my son. i know how that sounds but i have to deal with ore bad than good on his attitude. the bf helps done get me wrong but the point is myles saves all that for me. i feel like I’m a failure or I’m always the mean person or the reason of his attitude cause i thats how it seems feel. i rarely get to say we had a good day together. and yesterday was one of them. we laughed and i got to see how much he really knows. he has good manners, hes playful, he loves food and he communicated to me when he wanted something which is huge. ive been working on that for months now. and its just nice to see what a sweet wonderful little boy i have. until today lol


I found the only asian at work. well not the only one.. but the only in a meeting. and yes he was very cute and even had facial hair. which if you know anything about asians they dont really grow a lot of hair… facial hair being one of them. sigh. and no sex for several days.  the bf is out of town.

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