
so i found out was wrong with my jeep. its either the head or the head casket. Either way its expensive and time to get rid of it. i dont want to. i want to fix it and it keep working for like for ever. but they money i put into to fix this issue i could put into a new car that has heat and wont leave me stranded. myles is doing well. he can mostly dress himself and his commincation is getting better. hes still being a tute though. sturborn and no is his answer. finally got the tree up. it looks nice. not like when i was young but its a good start. presents are wrapped and ive been trying to clean. quit my second job. they refused to work with me. i have a vehicle situation. what happened was i thought my jeep was fix but then it broke down again and again and again and again. and i refuse to drive it. so i called in and tolled my boss the soonest i could get a ride. which was an hour an hour and a half later than when i was shecduled. and this was in the moring when i talked to her. her suggestion was get a cab or ride the bus. i refuse to ride on the bus. and paying for a cab is retarded since i only work there 3/4 hrs a week. so i didn go in. and yea. my paychecks are barely 50 anyways. so i might as well stay home..rest.. study and enjoy my family. maybe i could have handled that better but i gave her my options and she didn want to work with me. i missed classes so i could work there.  might be going into labor soon. not sure. kind of waiting to see. had some blood on my toliet paper not alot just a ew drops and then nothing like 30m later. so not sure.  going to wait till my lunch and see from there. crap need to figure out lunch. i dont know what i want. at work. my boobs are sore. i got my booby pump and i pumped but got nothing. a little upset about that. im thinking i wont be able to feed my little man. we will see. gdf

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