Day 5/10

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn-offs.
Day Eight: Three turn-ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

Day 5: Six things I wish I’d never done

(I have found this one to be very difficult to do)

1. Hurting/Killing all the animals that I hurt/killed when I was a young brat. Or at least I wish that I really had been “too young to remember” it. I always feel horrible thinking about that. But I was less than 3 years old…

2. Said some of the mean things I said to Eric during his final days. Although I did learn that you should never say things you don’t mean… it still hurts to know I can never take those words back now. I’m sorry, Eric.

3. Been too nice. Sometimes I pull a Goku and forgive/help someone who I know without a doubt will betray or attempt to hurt me again as soon as they can. And they did. I wish I had been less forgiving.

4. Been late to class that one time. If I hadn’t overslept that day, I would have had Perfect Attendance, on top of the Salutatorian. 27 months straight and only missed 1 day. That really sucks.

5. Bought a ATI Radeon video card back in 2007. I will never purchase a Radeon video card again. Ever. That piece of crap was worthless compared to it’s Nvidia counterpart.

6. Took too long to fill out my final Master Promissary note… that was $4000 out of my pocket. Ouch. Next time someone says they need this form filled out and money is on the line… fill it out.

This was a lame entry. I’m not too good at making wishes on things I didn’t want to do. A lot of them are Nicki related, but I’m not going to waste all 6 on her… so I decided just to leave her out completely.

I was looking at Programming Puzzles because I have an interview tomorrow, and this was a good one I came across. I solved it after a little while. I figured I’d post the puzzle for you ladies and gentlemen to take a stab at. I’ll post the solution tomorrow.

There are 23 prisoners in a prison. The guard tells them that whenever he wants, at random, as often as he wants, he will take 1 random prisoner to a room where there are 2 switches. Each switch is either on or off. The prisoner must switch one of the switches and then go back to his cell. At any time if a prisoner correctly tells the guard that all 23 of the prisoners have been to that room at least once, then they will all be freed. Any wrong answer will lead them all to death. The prisoners will have a one time meeting together to decide on their strategy before this process starts. Nobody knows the initial state (on or off) of the switches. What should be their strategy to become free?

I have an interview tomorrow… wish me luck!

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February 16, 2011

haha, I confused the heck out of my family with that one. He is doing engineering for the forces, and all of his buddies call him by his last name, “Vaughan”, so when I first met him that’s all I called him. But now that I’ve spent more time around his family I switch back and forth between his first name, Terry, and his last name Vaughan. Silly military, confusing things. Good luck on your inter

February 16, 2011

view! 🙂 also, when I was 4 or so I think I drowned a bunny? You’re young, you don’t know any better yet. Don’t hold it against yourself.

February 16, 2011

Uhhh, I got lost within the 2nd sentence! My brain freaks out at any kind of math.. even if I want to solve stuff like that.. it’s frustrating! I think I have a Radeon in my comp… I haven’t seen anything wrong with it yet! I also think Dexter got a super expensive one too.. unless I’m remembering wrong. I don’t know, the stuff he buys is always really expensive. For my computer, we didn’t

February 16, 2011

buy really expensive stuff. I should say “he” not “we” because he actually surprised me with all of the stuff to build a computer with. It was awesome! I accidentally hurt/inadvertently killed animals when I was little. I still feel horrible for it. Anyway, good luck with your interview! I really, really hope it goes well! I’ll pray for you.