Ending the day..

So the more I think about sitting down and writing/typing in this diary thing or whatever you wanna call it the happier it makes me. For the first time in a very long time I am excited. I am capable of turning my lights off, lighting a few candles(which I have loved doing for as long as  I can even remember), pause or mute my tv, and sit back listeing to my fan going and just think. Think about anything and everything. I really enjoy helping others and just maybe.. maybe I can start looking into ways I am able to help those in recovery..  For now coming up with ways I am able to tell my story is going to be my first step. Maybe.. maybe if it can help just one person keep going and feel as if they arent alone in this crazy world.. then thats enough for me…


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January 2, 2023

Claiming your story is powerful.