Confessions from the bong..
I suppose anxiety is setting in now. going back to my routine but unfortunately i picked up a holid
ay shift. I need to mentally prepare and focus. I refuse to be burnt out. Its going to be a long stretch. im exhausted but excited to work closer with a colleague. hopefully everything at work goes well. I need more positivity in my life.
I sit here and cant help but to wonder when is life going back to normal? was there ever really a normal? i dont think i was ever living. I missed so many opportunities, will not happen again once this is over. Im sure a lot of people feel that way. this year has given us all a lot of time of reflection. i need my life to get back into order. I feel as though everything is disorganized. theres is no area in my life that is on the straight an arrow. im trying to write more hopefully it gives me so type of direction.
the problem with the writing is, what do i have to say?
time for a rip