Packing sucks

So I am starting to pack for england.  I have my carry on full of fashion mags and a book and hopefully after xhristmas i can add an MP3 player!~!!


I Thought that Alan was through a new years party so we were staying in and having a shing dig t his place which would require me to not get hardcore dressed up so yesterday he calls me and tells me that were are going to a club for new years!!


HOLY SHIT THEY ARE EXPENSIVE!!  So I looked online at a few of the clubs in gloucesters websites to see prices and stuff and all the clubs i check on had a clothing theme!!!  so I called him and told me he best find out what theme i have to dress too and if it is to much he better pick a different place because i am not about to pack all my party clothes!!  He never answered me so bought a pair of gacho pants and a top with a dangling thing that goes into my cleavage and it is kinda hot I figure i am going to wear my four inch heeled go go boots with this outfit and txted alan and told him I was wearing all black so he better find a place that worked out at cause i wasn’t playing around


So i am excited but nervous the last time i went to a club in gloucester I got really drunk and alan got MAD at me and i don’t want to make a fool of myself.  I always feel like I everyone is watching me to see what the stupid american will do next. please dont let me make a fool of myself and please please please don’t let make a fool of myself

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December 22, 2005

*hugs* I have total faith in you, Megs. You WILL be hot and ravashing and you are a fun-loving creature and he’d BETTER see that… Otherwise, he’ll get a five inch platform boot in the arse. ^.^ Yes, Sky, the guy I absolutely have the total unconditional hots for… If I could get my ass in gear, he would NOT have slept alone, I can tell you that! Joe.. isn’t… well, *innocent grin*

December 22, 2005

Joe… isn’t too fond of the guy. He’s… jealous, I think. He was being all touchy-feely, but STILL no sex *sighs* I wouldn’t care if he jumped me. He did buy me a $60 gift certificate to Hustler Hollywood. he said I’d be proud of him. He was in there a good while checking out what porn I’d like. *is impressed* But he still isn’t ‘right’, I suppose the word is? I’ll be waiting for that call!

December 23, 2005

You’ll be fine and wonderful and desrieable, I’m sure. Just think you’re a fine, sexy beast and you’ll come off that way.