Merry Christmas I’m Packed!!!
So christmas was nice we had a fairly good christmas….
Hunter my nephew who is four did a secret santa at his preschool where they went to school with money and they could buy christmas presents and have them wrapped for christmas without the parents help and hunter did all his shopping there.
He got me a little stuffed snowman which i have hanging up at work now. he did a good job on everyones gifts execpt this great grandma on his moms side who he bought a steering wheel cover for when she has never driven a day in her life!~!
I got some new shoes some great clothes a few books an outlet adapotor and travel hairdryer for the trip socks a cabbage patch kid a remote control VW bus to put in my own VW bus *grins thinking of her fantastic bus* and DUM DUM DUM!!
and MP3 player a sony bean….they are shapped like jelly beans and it is fantastic!!! I love it very much I downloaded 123 songs on in on christmas day and have it fully charged and packed in my carry on luggage…which reminds me!!
I am a little worried my suitcase might be to heavy for international flights they allow 50 pounds which you think would take a lot to accomplish but with winter clothes and jeans and boots it is kinda heavy. We had my dad standing on the scale holding my suitcase to see how much it weighted!! I hope i don’t have to take anything out to do two carry ones it is to much to handle on such a long flight and switching planes it is just to much!!!
I am getting excited about the trip I LOVE to fly but i am still unsure if i am making a mistake going to see alan again and I don’t really wanna go out on new years which i know makes me a party pooper but i don’t like clubs with lots og people i don’t know especially when they are all your x-boyfriends friends and it is possible they all hate you or will meet you and wonder why he is so hung up on you. I am not feeling confident which i hope changes!
So I work tonight and tomorrow then i am off!!
I will probably not have time to say goodbye so GOODBYE!!
(i can’t wait to get off work i recorded the project runway marathon from christmas eve and i wanna watch it!!)
Megs, you don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re a very beautiful girl. There’ll be no wonder why he likes you so much. Just be yourself. *hugs* I wish you the best of luck and take care!! Just Enjoy yourself!!
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I was a teacher in the states too, but I don’t think you need teaching license to teach abroad as long as you have a bachelors. Want me to check with my company and see if they would hire you?
I actually will! Just say the word.
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