When I was in England Alan, and some of his friends namely Ian, Dani, Gemia, Stuart and myself all said we were going to try to go to spain together this summer for a holiday because it would be fun.
Ian and Dani however have 5 kids and they couldn’t get baby sitters for all of them for the trip so the trip was canceled…Dani doesn’t work she stays home with the kids and that is a stress ful thing i am sure I hate how many always thinks that women stay home and eat bon bons and watch talk shows when they don’t work I am sure Dani is cleaning and helping the kids with homework, and cookings dinner and doing laundry and all that stuff and is busier now then when she worked!! So Alan said he would fly over here to go to Myrtle Beach with me and the family! I was estatic because if i am actully going to be moving next year sometime this might be last family vacation i can go on and it would be fun if Alan came too.
So today Alan tells me that him Stuart and Ian are all thinking of going to Amsterdam or Spain just t he guys?!?!?!
Now I am annoyed and a little ticked off because I know that if Alan goes to Amsterdam he wont be able to afford to come here which is an insult to me since I have paid to fly out there twice and i paid for him to come here once and he can’t be bothered to come here on his own once for me when i am thinking of FUCKING moving over there!!!
But it also pisses me off because they (the men) see nothing wrong with leaving Dani home alone with the kids while they go have fun?!?!?!
that really bugs me but it also bugs me that Dani isn’t standing up for herself. Sometimes I wonder if Alan realizes that one of the biggest differences between me the british women he has dated before is that I stand up for myself and I have an opinion and I freely share it!
It bugs me so much on so many levels….it is like because Dani gave birth to them they are exculivly her responsibility and Ian had no part in the baby making so he has no reason to feel compelled to stay home with his wife and kids?!@?!?!
*wants to scream*
Its the male nature to drop seed and leave….LadyPurpleDusk
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Ughh…People! They piss me off. lol That’s really retarded.
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Sounds like you don’t want to teach abroad anymore with the current boy situation.
I wish you luck with this one, have to say living in England for a year or 2 would be pretty damn cool..BUT if you don’t want to deal with the problems that occur with marrying people in other countries, I would end it now. It’ll only get harder, girl!
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*snorts* Britsh Male Pigs! Of course it’s alright for him to blow the family money on Amsterdam, home of the Bananna Bar, not on like, something the whole family can benifit from. Poor woman. I think she needs to put a well placed combatboot up his arse. ^-^ I know I would! By the by, the uncontrolable urge to lay Sky is not nearly as bad as what it was. Joe reads my diary, so I can’t vent >_<
Warning Comment Oh! I funny picture for you! Joe posted it on deviantart *rolls eyes* Sometimes, I just wish he never was introduced to that site!
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Okay =Frowns= if he actually said that he thinks it’s ok for Dani to look after the kids and go away with his friends and leaves her without option or disregards any opinion Dani may have about it, then Alan needs his ass kicking as well as Ian. But, has Alan said he’s gonna go with them and not still come see you? How do you know he cant afford to see you and go away with the guys?….
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…and Amsterdam??? Who’s idea was it to go there??? What’s in Amsterdam?? Apart from Tulips? And blow? XX Chan XX
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Hey, you probably don’t rememeber me but you commented on my jounral once a while ago. So i decided to catch up and read yours. Yeah, that is pretty lame of him. I mean, you are totally justified in where you are coming from.
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