Snow Day
A big winter storm just moved through here over the last day and a half. It left about 18 inches of snow. Yesterday I worked from home – no problem. Then I got up this morning and thought about doing it again. Guilt got the best of me so I spent an hour shoveling out one side of the drive. Then I struggled the 20 miles to work averaging about 40 mph on the highway. When I pulled into the lot at 8:45am I was surprised to find only a few cars here. Then the guard tells me that the office is closed! I made all that effort for nothing! I thought about heading home but the roads were so bad that I figured I’dl wait until they get better later this afternoon. – So, here I am writing an entry from the office.
Today is Valentines day but Diane and I are not planning too much. I made a nice VD day dinner last night (after being home all day I felt like doing something). I made stuffed talipia with roasted potatoes and peas. I also had the forsight to go to the video store and get some movies when I saw the storm coming. Tonight we’ll have something easy for dinner and light a fire and watch a movie. We’re going out tomorrow night cus it’s Diane’s birthday. We figure all the restaurants will be empty tomorrow but crowded tonight. – Works for us! – (Brief sidebar – about 15 years ago I went into the flower shop on the 15th to get a balloon for my son (his b’day is the 17th). The owner asked me if I wanted some roses. They had so many left over she gave me a dozen for nothing! I left them on the seat of Diane’s car at work for her birthday. Made me look like a hero and Diane was glad I didn’t have to pay anything. So, a tip for you cheapskates out there – try this yourselves).
I got out on both Sat and Sunday last weekend to X-C ski. Saturday I went for about 2 hours and Sunday for 1 hour. Great exercise and perfect conditions. The show was a little packed and fast. Temperature was about 15 F. Now we have a big dump to work with but the wind is so high that I can’t ski yet. Temps will hold through the next several days and then go above freezing Monday. I hope to get out starting tomorrow again.
I’ve been keeping up with my weight lifting routine most days. I traveled on Th and F so I missed 3 days in a row. Then got back into it Saturday. I’ll sift when I get home tonight. It’s been about 6 weeks of mostly steady exercise and I can say that I feel great. The strength part has been a missing part of my routine and I’m glad to be remedying that.
A MUST READ!!!!!!!!! – "The End of Faith – Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason" by Sam Harris. I saw this in the bookstore in the airport on Wed. I couldn’t put it down. Some of the more gruesome parts were a bit hard to read. We live in a scarey world.
book sounds interesting.. i’ll keep it in mind. We’re just starting to get your snowstorm out here in NYC. I’m all about sharing and everthing, but next time, can you keep it to yourself? Happy VDay.
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Caught you on the front page. How nice to read of a man cooking dinner for his sweetie (and of course, I love the closing, “Namaste.”) Also loved hearing about the flowers you’d left for your sweetie. What a lucky woman, and how nice that you’ve found one another. Namaste, indeed!
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