Rainy Jan Weekend

It’s been a rainy weekend but that hasn’t bothered me too much. Friday night we went and got our drivers licenses renewed. My photo ID now shows me with a beard. I still think I’m going to keep it. Then we went to dinner and got a movie. Justin called home in the middle of it to check in. He has not been home yet since the term started 2 weeks ago. I guess that’s a good thing. He was getting ready to go ice skating. Everything else seemed to be going well but it was a short call. I couldn’t find out about the RA application or if he picked up another class.

Saturday Diane slept until almost 2:00. I got lots of small stuff done. I got the e-check done on the car (required in our county in Ohio cus of the pollution), did some grocery shopping then I did my weights. I’ve been keeping up on those very well but I travel tonight to NC for 5 days. I need to find a substitute.

I copied more of the home movies onto my computer. My computer came equipped to capture movies from old tape and store them as mpg files. I also bought some more advanced software so I can cut and splice, enhance with music, adjust volume, do transitions, etc.  I’m still learning all that it can do but it feels good to start pruning the old home movies so I can burn DVD’s for various folks of sections that would interest them. Nobody wants to watch hours of home movies except the family that owns them.

Later Diane and I went out to Denny’s for "breakfast" at 3:00 in the afternoon. With the new state wide smoking ban there are a host of places we now can enjoy that we avoided in the past. I always comment on it to them so they recognize the business they’re picking up. I hear that there are still quite a number of local bars that have not started enforcing the law yet. – Wait until they get a lawsuit because one of their non-smoking waitresses gets lung cancer.

We then ran around to all the stores looking for an area rug for our remodeled family room. We went to 5 places then finally found one at Walmart.  On Friday night we went to 2 others so that makes 7! And we’re not that picky!

Well, today I need to build a shelf to hold the stereo, finish recording one movie tape, excersize and pack for my trip. My flight leaves at 7:00 so I have until about 5:00.


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January 14, 2007

Have a good trip! We have snow this morning~