Northern Ohio Wellness Connection

I got talking with the manager at the pool we belong to, Rick, and the subject of vegatarians came up. I told him that I used to be one and still do not eat much meat. I also told him about one of my favorte books by John Robbins called "Diet for A New America".  He proceeded to tell me that he saw John speak in Aspen and it prompted him and some friends to start a new organization. They are into promoting education about health and other environmental causes.

Seemed like nice people so I checked out their web site . I liked most of what I saw. A couple weeks later he mentioned they were having a vegan pot luck supper so Diane and I joined them.  What a nice bunch of folks. I’m going to write down all the names I remember for my own reference.

Jim and Anna – President, beard and his deep eyed, soft spoken wife

Tahiti – vice President – Very outgoing, tanned, blonde

Ed and his daughter Aryianna – Tall,  dark thinning hair

John McDonald and his wife _______ – From Grafton (nearby),

I’ll insert others as I recall their names so I won’t forget. Plan to join them for more monthly meetings and discussions. Good speaker scheduled for Oct. 7 at Mustard Seed Market.

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July 19, 2006

Homo Sapiens can become a vegan universally I’m sure, but will the other carnivores/omnivores follow suit?