Most Unique?
Diane picked up Justin’s yearbook from school this week. He’ll be home tonight from OSU for the 4 day break. I was glancing through it and discovered he was voted "most unique" and "most musical". (He never said anything about this to us). He wasn’t the only one. There were half dozen in each group. I know these things tend to be popularity contests for the most part so I don’t give them much thought but – most unique? I think that is one I could support and be proud of. I’ve always been pleased that, as he has matured, he developed the self confidence to avoid much of the peer pressure and conforming to fit in. He wears his hair long (not common in his class), and he plays in a rock band. At the same time he takes many AP classes and finished with a 3.5 GPA. He also started the Outdoor Club that introduced lots of folks to rock climbing (which also got him in good with the principal who is an avid climber).
This probably sounds like I’m bragging, and, I guess I am a little. I’m just proud of him as a young man and felt like posting it in my diary. Looking forward to seeing him tonight.
He is a good kid and if you and Diane don’t have bragging rights, who does!
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A belated thanks for this entry. I’ve not been reading many diaries the past few weeks. Well, I’m not an avid reader of the diaries. I seem to concentrate on just a handfull anytime I go down the favorites list. I am proud of my grandson, and also of both his mom and dad. Wish we all lived closer. Expecting Brenda and family in a couple hours. I’m okay, maybe a lttle better the past few weeks. Looking forward to seeing you all at the Soltice. Love to all.
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