Leaving Today for Switzerland and Egypt
It’s 10:45 am and I leave for the airport at 1:00. I’ll be gone for 2 weeks to Switzerland and Egypt. I now am to the point where I don’t get very nervous about these trips. I didn’t pack until last night after dinner. I had all my stuff pulled together in 30 minutes and then spent another half hour deciding what to wear for the overseas leg. (I finally decided on my running suit and long sleeve pullover shirt.) I will take an Ambien when I get on the plane and try to sleep all the way over. When I land in Geneva I will find the showers at the airport and change. Then I’ll take the train to LCF and go right to work. I should be there by noon – clean and refreshed.
In Egypt we’re taking the weekend in Cairo again. We’ll do the tourist thing with some folks who have never been there. I’m not really into seeing man-made things all day. I would prefer a long walk along the nile or something like that. Sure, it’s impressive to see the size of these things but I’m a bit turned off at the slave labor used to build them. It is a bit interesting to see artifacts from a few thousand years ago but it’s not something I want to do all day. It’s not my calling, I guess.
I need to finish pulling together all my documents and stuff since the connection to the server is sometimes questionable. That’s a pain. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to write off line and post an entry or two during the trip.
Sounds like it could be an interesting trip!
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We have some similar interests. Sounds like a good trip. Be well.
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Very Exciting! This is a vacation or work? Is Dianne going with you? I hope you post the pics! 🙂
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OH, very jealous! Have heard other great stories from friends who’ve had the opportunity to travel to Egypt, (and places like Norway and Switzerland for that matter). These are still on my “list of places to see before I die”. Enjoy!
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What a trip..I hope it is going well….
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I bet you are free-OD and I am OD+ Only. I have a password to my diary that allows Free OD users access my diary. Password is hoki “To use a readerÂ’s password, after logging in, go to the front page of Open Diary (not the front page of the diary itself) and click the OD reader login link at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a page where you must enter the diary name youare trying to unlock, and your readerÂ’s password.”
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