2006 Year in Review
Justin finished high school in May. He was voted Most Musical and Most Unique by his HS classmates. He joined a band “Final Transaction” and they performed a half-dozen shows at local clubs. He’s quite a good guitarist and he’s met some good friends through it. In the fall he started college at Ohio State University studying mechanical engineering. His GPA for the first quarter was a 3.45 so he’s off to a good start. He and Nichole celebrated 3 years together in December.
In the health area my yoga practice continues fairly regularly but I sometimes go days at a time without it. I went rock climbing with Justin several times but neglected my bike riding (under 500 miles) and golfing (2 times). I still walk every day at work 2 ¼ miles when I’m in the office. I have noticed some flab and loss of muscle tone. I also have not been eating as well as I should. I also had 3 episodes with the old sinuses.
My dad suffered a minor stroke on Christmas eve which is probably the big family related news. He’s still recovering as of this writing. Some mobility on the left side has been impacted but not sure what the final impact is. He turned 76 in March. My brother, Jerry, has decided to move in with them onto the family homestead. I’m glad because he’ll be there when my parents need anything as they age and also their house will have someone living in it and won’t be a burden.
My sister and her husband started looking into subdividing the Fairfax land. This created a little conflict but they eventually decided to table things for now. There is a long wait list for applications to sub divide and I think they wanted to avoid the conflict.
Diane has been sleeping better and feeling better. It’s nice to see her improve but she is still not at 100%. Hopefully 2007 will be even better.
Scott was deployed to Kuwait and will return in February. Dean got deployed too many times and decided to retire. He moved to St. Paul and opened up a Salad Shooters restaurant. Mike moved to N. Hampshire from Wisconsin.
Egypt was a new country I visited this year along with most of the old standby places (Switzerland, Singapore, Indonesia and China). I got to see the pyramids, sphinx and the Cairo museum. What an experience seeing things thousands of years old.
I had a successful year at work with a nice rating and bonus. My boss had his 1 year cancer check up and everything looked clean!
My friend, Kelly, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and they moved into a lake house in Southern Indiana. We visited them in October. Our friends Bob and Fran are separated right now. Not sure where that is going but contact with them has been limited. It seems like they want their privacy.
I got a couple of hikes in with my friend, Mike. We hiked the Adirondacks in April then a short Vt. hike in the summer.