
1. I work with fucking teenagers. They gossip. According to them, Im getting fired, I never do anything and I never had a very painful miscarriage. OH! AAAAND I set up my old assistant manager for stealing- which, as much as she deserved it, I didn’t do.

2. Im sick. Again. I have the immune system of a four-year old.

3. I havent done anything creative in a long time and I miss it. I feel like half-a-me.

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1. That sounds like an amusing working environment to me, but then again I’m 12. 2. I love all those 1 part tea 1 part honey and 1 part lemon juice drinks they tell you will cure anything. And Sylvia Plath would tell you to take a bath, which will apparently usher in suicidal depression as-it-cures. 3. Paint something and take a picture of it and then I’ll paint something in response. I’ve alwa

ys wanted to do that and there’s this one Raymond Carver story called Cathedral, and blah blah blah.

But I’m 5′ 7″ I do not deserve such short limbs! I want man arms! Evolution! and thanks for pointing out all my little lazinesses, good advice, sort of. and yes, indeed, I’m overly familiarized with my own photogenicity (combo Anouk Lepere and Sasha Pivovarova, just a wee bit pudgy and smoothed over).

April 24, 2007

#3 – Totally my current problem. My existence is vastly uninspiring…