You’re Mine ! ! !

i wish that i could keep you in my pocket so i could play with you all the time.

and wrap you up in a little blanket. chocolate, raspberry, lemon, and lime.





well, i dont feel much like writing. cause beetlejuice is on, and thats just oh too tempting to resist. 

hmm, so now for the days achievements, if you’ll call them that. hell i’ll just start with last night.

1. dying my skull. (anne boleyn meets cat power){[or so i like to think]}

2. sopranos with emm

3. nightly drives

4. sleep + dreams

5. woke up to HOLE blasting

6. smiling throughout the course of the day

7. senior pictures. finally finally taken, done, over with. phew.

8. exchanging nastys with teets (aka christina)

9. cruising with meeshell. (visiting gordon)

10. rooting and weeding the garden

11. planting new life while sharing my Poison album with the neighborhood.

12. realizing how crooked the layout really was after some liqerrrr. hah

13. cooking/cleaning to The Muddy Banks of Wishkah. {my first nirvana album 🙂 }

14. thinking about how utterly lucky i am. for everything in my life. even the not so perfect things, are just right. and the darling people that i get to share brain waves and breathing space with, i adore them to pieces.

15. sitting in my room, typing up these lame things that make me smile. if i wrote them all from one day only – it would be the size of a small dictionary im sure of it.


gotta go catch the beetle.






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May 22, 2007

i love beetlejuice my fav cartoon as a kid and movie!

May 22, 2007

yep, definitely a fav if you were around to see it, which I was…. Yep, I’m a lot older than you’d think. 25? Mortally, yes. I’m truly somewhere around….. well, at least older than my mom. (48)

May 22, 2007

smiles are good. i hope you enjoyed Beetlejuice!

Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!! BEETLEJUICE!!!