you got your guns, your war machines

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its interesting really –

because physically he does

not appeal to me. his

weak jawline,

thin lips,

– limbs and

narrow frame.

boring blue eyes

and average brown hair.


but those boring blue eyes penetrate me, those hard worked hands on those frail limbs soothe me, and behind those thin lips, cagged within his weak jaw, is the most facinating tongue, and in that narrow chest is the widest heart. i have never been more attracted to a man in my whole life. and it aches, in so many new and old ways. 


but he has got more than 4380 days on me.



You walk and walk proud
Elbows out
You will never stop
nor give up


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December 18, 2007

Boys are dumb. Just date girls. Fo’ serious.

December 18, 2007

Do it!

Hmmm, interesting. Though you seem the type to see past the surface.

December 18, 2007

yeah, bit of a staggering gap there.. but then, stranger things have happened. ~

Hmm, I guess there is a certain ambiguity in how you could read my note. I got exactly what you were saying… That in spite of him not fitting what might be the model of your perfect guy physically (if you have such a thing) that you still like him….

… I meant to get to the point that you seem to have so well-developed a depth about yourself that I would be surprised if a non-perfect surface would disturb you from loving an otherwise amazing human being. Btw, checked out both your myspace page and your DA. Very nice. I like your eye.

Nah, not your fault. Definitely mu note left itself up to being read differently than I meant it. My mind was going 100mph and before I typed a word, I had thought of 40 ways to says it, and, alas, that garbled mess came out… It’s cool. You appreciate my notes, and I appreciate your entries. Works well.

December 19, 2007

i’ve got the same amount of days on my wife, actually 365 more. older dudes know more things.

December 19, 2007

Tis a bit of a gap say true do what your heart and head can agree on *Hugs*

December 19, 2007

its hard to follow your head and you heart at the same time, good luck

December 23, 2007

Heh, kinda feels like what I went through last year when she left… ^_^;;;