What luck for the rulers that men do not think.



i have been smoking my pipe all morning.

tobacco of course, i am a drug free queen.

i wrote three pages in his kitchen this morning.

this morning i drank tea.

i ate my homemade italian leftovers for breakfast this morning, in his kitchen at his table while i smoked my pipe and drank my tea.


my perfume is on his sheets, and so is my sweat, and his sweat, and my heart.

all is fair in love and hope it seems, but on that i may only dream.


my heart is to big for my little chest cavity, i fear it may implode.

but i continue to urge its swelling.

i am so happy i could die.




 a recent photo


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You get more beautiful ever day.

I know I had you on my MySpace at one point, but I never use it anymore. Facebook?

September 30, 2010

good to hera things r going good for you

October 1, 2010


Ryn: Thank you dear. I added you. =)