resurrection: not likely


i guess this has been dead for much longer than i was aware.

she was always lustful and wanted something else.

i could never put my finger on it, then again neither could she.

nothing is more painful then seeing all of your blood sweat and tears dissolve

there was something beautiful to what we had.

i wish i knew what happened, where it went

i could never put my finger on it, then again neither could she

she was always lustful, wanting something else

i guess it has been dead for much longer than i was aware.

this song is saving me somehow.

it just takes my breath away.


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I missed you on here.

I hope you are staying this time. We’ve missed you greatly. *hugs*

July 4, 2009

This is me leaving you a note! Where’ve you been!?

So poignant. Though I can’t know what you’re feeling, this conjures in me feelings and vivid memories. Ahh, nostalgia. I would love to read anything you’ve written. Did you eventually go to… what was it?… Chicago?