noise and kisses. or the noise of kisses rathre. it killed me. ruined me entirely.why cant i find anything solid? why cant i find a man to treat me right?

all my friends find good guys and just use them for touch.


im goin to lose it

i think i was crying tonight

too much whisky i guess,

i called  brian .

whta was i thinking? seriously? ahh,. i hope he doesnt think less of me now or something.



anyhow. maxi  and miles. michelle nd antho ny.



samantha and interpol./ uh huh. its me and my music alone and loving. what the fuck? will it evevr come? or just another man to fuck? aparently that s all im good for these days. a good fuck.

im seventeen. and all men see is a good tight fuck? what the fuck? ahh i want to scream. no i just want something solid. something real. but then i still drink a….an smoke and fuck. where is ths goin?


i just ned to find something new. something that other people cant get to first and abuse

my head hurts, but not as much as my heart. i  just wantr to fall madly in love…. or sometning equivelint to that. why do all tghe girls ruin the good boys? they dont know ghow good i am.



ack i just maybe need someone yto sety me straight. i love my friends… but i just need new scenery. i already stopped carring. and thats evident.


i can thank a certain man for that. DESTROY ME.


thats what he did.. itds okay though. its a ledsson. its all a lesson. all i need now is time. and hopefully, i ddint eff up the operfect boys mindset.

i want to mary that kid i swear. so perfect. i understand everymolecule of his being, he has no idea how perfect it would be. it really would.



yeah today my heart swings.


forgive me.

im gonna dance and do just fine

i got a chance for a sweet saint klife



la la la i dont know the words to this song but its saved me tonight. im gonna think myselgf to sleep.


11 months till the west coast consumes me. i cant wait to get the fuck away freom liars  and all this bullsghit.


heres to love. reall jst love.


yeah today my heart swings.

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July 2, 2007

*hug* u will find your prince charming, you will have your happy ending, u will dance on the clouds of envy.. dont lose sight of that in which u truely desire, do not give in to false pretenses and the cunsumsion of a bitter mind… u will find happiness,

Rawr =( Most guys are assholes. You’ll find one who is not though. Just be patient.

July 3, 2007

Not All Of Us Are Assholes I Promise. You Just Have To Spend Allot of Time sifting through the crud. I wish you the best of luck in your search, As I Know I am still seeking the woman who will complete me, With you ladies its not assholes I have to sift through but vacant, shallow, and unintelligent ones Good Luck, and Best Wishes on Life, Love and the Pursuit of Nirvana

July 3, 2007

*big hugs* you deserve better than what you’re getting, i KNOW you do. some days are just hard, i guess..and some days people just suck (as a gross understatement). but i wish you well and a speedy passing of time to your change of scenery 🙂

Oh dear. Pain. Such pain in this. I can feel it, as if you were sitting right in front of me. The liars you leave behind here, will only be replaced with new liars in your new land. Be wary and keep yourself safe. I know you know this, but there are liars everywhere. Whoa I just reread what I wrote, and I sound so cynical. Not everyone is dreadful, but you know what I’m getting at.

ryn: I work at a local floral shop. My boss also owns what he calls The Studio, right next door, so that’s where all the….”non-floral” photos came from, lol. The things in there are beyond beautiful and interesting. I had a hard time choosing which I wanted to photograph. I will more than likely take my camera in again sometime next week.