my my my

i learned so much yesterday


about my family.

the TRUTH this time.

and it made me sick to my stomach.

almost all the women in my family have a history of cheating, greed, manipulation, conciet, i could go on forever with the negatives. but it really broke my heart to hear all these things. but somehow i knew them all along. without anyone even hinting to the fact. its just awful when you put someone on such a pedestal all your life, just to find out that … really they were no different from anyone who has severely wronged you.

all these destructive tendencies the women had.

well it made them alter the lives of those around them.

and in harrowing ways.

my family history is a dark one.

and with what i learned yesterday, up until that point, i only had one foot in the closet and thought it was tragic.

now im so far in its all i can think about.

i am above and beyond fascinated. i want to write a book. i want to interveiw everyone involved in each occurance and see how crude they will react. its sickening. but barely shocking.

the things that provoke people.

ughhh. im still learning so much.


yesterday my father changed my life.

and it is for him that i will push to excel my mental limits and be someone extraordinary.

i just want him to be proud of me.

to see that even after all of this .. . . . .  that his little girl came out strong.


im okay.


and happy.


im so many things.

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August 10, 2008

i can relate to you on the darnesses imbedded within family histories. too many things to even spell out for the record right here, but i was astounded growing up how my parents/family members have new light shead on them as i have gotten older…how i see them now so much more as humans, with human flaws…and how surprising it is to find all of these true things out…would have never thought…

August 10, 2008

my family is some of the worst ppl on the face of the planet, tis why i have disowned them, they are sick, pitiful creatures

I remember when I learned the truth about my family. I remember when I lost my innocence.

August 10, 2008

You’re already someone extraordinary. But definitely do your best, not only for your dad, but for yourself! I miss you tons. We should hang out sometime soon again.

August 10, 2008

Just stay strong, woman. You are what your choices make you. So continue to make the right choices. ~Bruce

August 13, 2008

Hey beautiful, yeah, family secrets are sort of disturbing to find out. Now it isn’t that I know any about my family outside of my mom’s and that’s not really a secret. OK so she WAS a drunk. She’s not now. And she’s working through the best way she knows how. She’ll make it, she’s a strong one. What was I talking about?

August 14, 2008

Stay Strong, You have my ear if ever you need it

August 22, 2008

Him? Now that I finally read your entry, you don’t have to be like your family, you know. Build your own empire and live life the way you want to. if you don’t want to be like them, there’s no rulebook saying that you have to. Wait, you wanted me to read what else now? Damn weed, it messed up my memory.

December 9, 2008

that is good..