i LOVE New York!


perfection perfection.

sunday was christmas at my home. we woke up early opened presents, played with toys, cooked a HUGE dinner with everyone, just hung out, made cookies and treats. both of my sisters were there. and daves mom, and my brother and his girlfriend,  my neices, and it was so lovely. stayed up late watching christmas movies and i made breakfast in the morning. we said our goodbyes

then roxy and i packed up and went to our mothers. i loaded my suitcase, and it was like carrying a body. haha. and it was all clothes, jewelry and perfume. my mommy made us dinner and we drank wine and listened to music and exchanged life stories. she was doing most of the story teling, but i liked that a lot. so much has happened to her. it blows my mind how strong of a woman she is.

anyway, we stayed up until seven in the morning drinking and talking and such. i had several breaks to the bathroom, where i stood in the tub and smoked some stoges. i would never want my mother to see me smoke, eevn though my sister does and she doesnt mind, i dont know it would just break my heart if she saw me. anyway, in the middle of the late evening i got uncomfortable with a man that was at the house, he was blowing and out of his mind, he tried to touch me and kept asking to dance, so i asked jon to come get me. and he did. i was so grateful for that, he saved me and drove me around till like 5 am. i had a nice time. and it was christmas morning. when he brought me back the guys had left except 3 of them… so i was sitting on the kitchen floor holding up my intoxicated sister on my shoulder and texting and laughing. my mom joined us. it was such a wonderful time.

the heat broke around six so we opened the oven and called the landllord. roxy passed out and i layed on the couch, the sun was coming up and my body ached, i was runing on 4 hours of sllep and had been up for 26 hours, cabernet running through my veins, and heavy eyelids. we hit the lights and i crashed. woke up at eleven twenty and washed my bangs, got dressed in my italian dress and antique jacket. jewelry and perfume, grabbed my eighty pound suitcase and kissed my mother goodbye. the church bell was ringing as roxy and i walked down the stairs, it was 12 o’clock.  we had to get on the 12:07 to secaucus and we were walking to the dover train station. it was ridiculous im sure to see me dragging this enormous suitcase with italian stickers all over it in my gold italian dress, looking like i was headed somewhere special. i ran across the traffic on blackwell street. and we heard the train. the moment we got onto the platform our train pulled up and those pretty little metal doors slid back. people looked at me curiously, i smiled at them.

roxy and i sunk into a window seat and smiled at eachother. she was still drunk she said. haah. we watched as snow and ice and trees and big houses and pretty things passed us by. in 74 minutes we arived at secaucus junction where our father picked us up. we went to wehawken and took pictures of the city. and hopped the bus. we spent the rest of the night in the city. we saw the macy’s display, and the tree. it was so perfect. all the smells and the colors.

and it was amazing how many unavailable men touched me with their eyes. hah. i loved it, i do this thing though to instigate it, how i stare at them and grin, hah. i get them every time, even to the point of them turning around. also, this well dressed attractive asian man was following me for about three or four blocks and was recording me with this cutesy high tech digital video camera, i pretended i was acting in a movie. it was so much fun.

p.s. i discovered my weakness, its well dressed men. and men with children.

im also a sucker for tattoos. there were so many well dressed men in new york that i almost fainted. i snapped a few pictures of some on my fathers canon, i cant wait to see how they came out.

perfect holiday.

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December 26, 2007

Sounds like an amazing holiday! New York City is quite beautiful in its own ways. I don’t think I could ever live there though, not for a significant amount of time… it changes you a lot. It makes you as chaotic as the traffic there, which is unfortunate. I think at one point in my life I will live there though. That’s probably one of my goals in life.

December 26, 2007

Well.. you must have seen me walking around midtown.. im in a suit everyday.. it sucks

December 26, 2007

well i amg lad you had a great holiday

December 26, 2007

i must confess: i love your notes too! & i always look foreward to reading your entries 🙂 so today i found this quote & it perfectly describes you & explains so much more eloquently why i think you’re such a rare gem…(quote below)

December 26, 2007

“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.” –jack kerouac, on the road

December 26, 2007

Well, if you’re so worried about your mother watching you smoke…couldn’t you just…well…quit? lol. 🙂 I can’t wait to have kids. I’m really looking forward to being a dad…to bad I don’t have a wife person to have the kids with…yet. 😀

December 27, 2007

The only “job” that is better with “no time” than “part time” is smoking. 🙂 I dunno…I for one an quite allergic…so smoking around me is no bueno. As far as the wife part is concerned…kind of a whim, what you said, wasn’t it? 😛 Then again, no plans, leads to the biggest surprises I always said. 🙂

December 27, 2007

you naughty little tease! of course you get them … i always have my eye out for lovely women dressed to the nines. ps … i dress in a suit and tie and added bonus … i have kids! have fun and be safe doll.

December 27, 2007

Happy for ya! 😀