i fell in love with a boy 2day we laughed the same

photo entry as previosuly stated.

wow, so i was sifting through folders on my comp, and there are so many pictures its obscene.

i have evolved in so many ways, and this isnt even the half of it.

and by finding some of these, that is what i decided to share. myself. as usual.

the following images range from 2004 till the present.

sweet041a.jpg image by dollyfac3leggay008.jpg image by dollyfac3

nattoppet003.jpg image by dollyfac3harm030.jpg image by dollyfac3

sellmysoul063.jpg image by dollyfac3sellmysoul022.jpg image by dollyfac3

famee010.jpg image by dollyfac3cba171.jpg image by dollyfac3

feelalive003.jpg image by dollyfac3cumpulsoryskin535.jpg image by dollyfac3nhg044.jpg image by dollyfac3cumpulsoryskin540.jpg image by dollyfac3

0.jpg image by dollyfac309.jpg image by dollyfac3d7392efe.jpg image by dollyfac3

wenchxx012.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty033.jpg image by dollyfac3violetmess257.jpg image by dollyfac3cumpulsoryskin511.jpg image by dollyfac3

smilemesomethingpretty452.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty750.jpg image by dollyfac3day1004.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty842.jpg image by dollyfac3

smilemesomethingpretty243.jpg image by dollyfac3ovenface080.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty1279.jpg image by dollyfac3peoplertrying2sleep064.jpg image by dollyfac3

dyedie007.jpg image by dollyfac3nirgorr.jpg image by dollyfac3cumpulsoryskin238.jpg image by dollyfac3feelalive042lpji.jpg image by dollyfac3

ppsshhh056.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty281.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty732.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty1130.jpg image by dollyfac3

smilemesomethingpretty287.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty1306.jpg image by dollyfac3smilemesomethingpretty1315.jpg image by dollyfac3

smilemesomethingpretty1287.jpg image by dollyfac3ovenface122.jpg image by dollyfac3quitter081.jpg image by dollyfac3abc061jpg.jpg image by dollyfac3

6eb93868.jpg image by dollyfac32relapse063.jpg image by dollyfac3quitter075.jpg image by dollyfac3

quitter063.jpg image by dollyfac3<img alt="Quitter038.jpg image by dollyfac3" src="http://s25.photobucket.com/albums/c61/dollyfa

c3/th_Quitter038.jpg” yloc=”277″ xloc=”615″ />quitter046.jpg image by dollyfac3


there is SO much more in these abysslike folders.

but i think i have embarassed myself enough for evening. hah.

goodness me.



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love it. the 2nd to last is my favorite. very doll-like. freakish doll like. lovely.

December 21, 2007

wow love it.

December 21, 2007

why, hello, amanda palmer.

December 22, 2007

haha, i just meant the second to last photo. it reminds me of her.

The 2nd to last one grabs one, surely. But I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite, except to lie. And only to lie so as not to pick a different one and have to count which one it is…The one on the 9th row? No, 10th, or maybe 11th. I don’t know. I actually think I like the ones titled “smilemesomethingpretty033” and “…sleep064” best… They most make me wonder what you’re thinking…

December 22, 2007

That’s a very interesting array! I only wish they weren’t all reduced down to postage-stamp size. (-: ~

ryn; Haha, that’s odd. Happy very belated birthday then. 🙂 You’re very beautiful, by the way.

December 22, 2007

Wow Cool! 😀

Hmm, yeah, I like that. Have a nice Christmas, I’m going out of town for a week or so.

December 23, 2007

Wow, you’re cute. 😀 Anyways, let me know if you need anything.